Box 0402
Contains 48 Results:
May 14, 1914. Aeolian Concert Orchestra Moravian Seminary Chapel
March 27, 1919. Musicale by Pupils of the Moravian Seminary
(circa 1922) October 27th. ELLIS CLARK HAMMANN announces a PIANO RECITAL
May 23, 1936. PROGRAM. HISTORICAL PAGEANT of Scenes in the Life of MORAVIAN SEMINARY AND COLLEGE FOR WOMEN Edwin J. Heath, President. Before the Bell House on Church Street and on the College Campus Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Written by E. B. and K. K. Chamberlain. Narrators: Mr. Richmond Myers and Miss Alice Fraivillig.
June 4, 1950. Moravian Seminary and College for Women Baccalaureate Service Central Moravian Church.
June 4, 1950. Moravian Seminary and College for Women Baccalaureate Service Central Moravian Church. Prelude: Toccata in D Minor (Dorian) by Bach. Processional Hymn 20. Liturgy for Schools and Colleges. Anthem: The Lord’s Prayer by Warner. Scripture. Offertory: Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty by Handel. Offertory Prayer. Hymn No. 29. Sermon by The Reverend R. H. Edwin Espy. Hymn No. 44. Benediction. Postlude: March by Meyerbeer.
June 3, 1951. Moravian College for Women Baccalaureate Service Central Moravian Church.
June 3, 1951. Moravian College for Women Baccalaureate Service Central Moravian Church. Prelude: Prelude in B Minor by Bach. Processional Hymn 578. Liturgy. Scripture. Solo: The Twenty-third Psalm by Malotte. Hymn No. 144. Sermon by Dr. David MacLennan. Hymn No. 29. Benediction. Recessional: March from Second Suite by Boelmann. [2 copies]
June 4, 1951. Moravian College for Women Bethlehem, Pennsylvania COMMENCEMENT PROGRAM
January 1957. Moravian Church Music - 1457-1959.
January 1957. Moravian Church Music - 1457-1959. by Dr. Joseph A. Maurer, Reprinted from the January 1957 issue of The A.G.O. Quarterly. [ Dr. Maurer was Head, Department of Classical Languages, Lehigh University]