Folder 03
Contains 4 Results:
June 16-19, 1901 Calendar of University Week Lehigh University South Bethlehem Pennsylvania: University Sunday, June 16 Baccalaureate Sermon by the Reverend George R. VandeWater of New York Class Day Monday, June 17 Class Exercises, LaCrosse Game – Lehigh v. Alumni, The Junior Hop Alumni Day Tuesday, June 18 Annual Meeting of Alumni Association, Alumni Luncheon, Base-Ball Game – Fordham vs. Lehigh, President’s Reception University Day Wednesday, June 19 Commencement Exercises Address by Paul Mayo Paine, C.E., ’91 Alumni Orator (three copies), 1901
The folders composing this collection represent printed academic administration forms and programs for University events beginning 1899 and continuing through 1924.
University Day. June 19, 1901 Order of Exercises. Oration: Samuel Thomas Harleman, David Bean Clark, Henry Jervis Moore, Edwin Benton Wilkinson, Lewis Alfred Freudenberger (Three copies of Program), 1901
The folders composing this collection represent printed academic administration forms and programs for University events beginning 1899 and continuing through 1924.
September, 1901 The “Graduate Prize” for 1902. T. M. Drown, President announced the subjects for theses in competition English Literature, Political Economy, Philosophy with the prize in the amount of $125 along with the rules governing the award. (Two copies), 1901
The folders composing this collection represent printed academic administration forms and programs for University events beginning 1899 and continuing through 1924.
The Register of Lehigh University, South Bethlehem, Pa., just issued shows the attendance of 554 students, from 26 States and 9 foreign countries. There are 49 in the teaching staff. 11 courses of instruction are offered: the Classical course, the Latin-Scientific course, the courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Metallurgical Engineering, Mining Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Analytical Chemistry, Geology, Physics and Electro- Metallurgy. A list of the graduates of the University, 1203 in number during the 36 years of its existence. The following Scholarships will be open to competition at the annual examinations in June: Two in the Classical Course of $150 and $100 each, One in the Latin-Scientific Course of $125. Five in the following courses: Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mining and Metallurgical Engineering, and Chemistry of $150 each. (Two copies), 1901
The folders composing this collection represent printed academic administration forms and programs for University events beginning 1899 and continuing through 1924.