AV Record Group 5: Audio-Visual Collection
Scope and Contents
The collection contains 754 items. The collection was inventoried by Tiffany Fish-Watts and Beverly Hoover in 2012. Includes glass bottles with names of South Bethlehem companies and pharmacies, Bethlehem Steel Corporation material such as newsletters (1948-1990), booklets, telephone books (1956, 1966), annual reports (1946, 1959, 1964), the Loop course booklets, a few letters (V.J. Passetti, and H. J. Miller, general managers BSC), medallions, sashes and uniforms from various fraternal associations (American Legion, Lincoln Gesang Verein) but especially the Hungarian associations (South Bethlehem, I. Magyar, T.E.S. S.C.E., Kapisztrani Szt. Templom Esbetegs Egylet, So. Bethlehem, PA.), a box of cigars, commemorative stoneware, sports gear such as cleat shoes, sports jersey and even blood stained sports pants, church memorabilia, approximately 335 postcards and 78 photographs (donated to SBHS by Howard Ginder, Lehigh Class of 1919) featuring views of old Bethlehem and South Bethlehem, three reels of film, books and a few maps.
- Creation: 1865 - 2023
From the Collection: 50 Linear Feet (~35 boxes)
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the South Bethlehem Historical Society Repository