Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Lecture notes taken by John Wesley Grace in William H. Chandler chemistry class
A notebook that contains notes that were taken by John Wesley Grace (Lehigh University Class of 1899) during the Professor William Henry Chandler’s Chemistry lectures, in 1895.
Linderman Family Genealogy Documents (Including Brodhead, Packer, Sayre, Frick Families)
An attempt is made to trace the Linderman Family as it is directly associated with Lehigh University. The Lindermans in the United States seemingly trace their ancestry to Jacob von Linderman who came to New York in 1710. He is believed to be a relative of the brother of Margarette Linderman Luther, the mother of the German Reformation religious leader, Martin Luther.
Speeches of Henry Sturgis Drinker President of Lehigh University
Typescripts of speeches, many with additional penciled-in notes, given by Dr. Drinker as president of Lehigh University, as president of the American Forestry Association, and as a supporter of war preparedness and the Student Army Training Corps movement.
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- Subject
- Bethlehem (Pa.) 2
- American Conservation Congress 1
- American Forestry Association 1
- Army R. O. T. C. 1
- Atlas Cement Company 1
- Bethlehem Preparatory School 1
- Brooklyn Lehigh Club 1
- Bucknell University 1
- Buffalo Lehigh University Club 1
- Chemistry -- Study and teaching 1
- Chicago Lehigh Club 1
- Conservation of natural resources--United States. 1
- Coxe Laboratory 1
- Drexel Institute 1
- Drown Memorial Hall. 1
- E. P. Wilbur Trust Company 1
- Education, Higher 1
- Extension School 1
- Forestry 1
- Fritz Engineering Laboratory. 1
- Genealogy 1
- Handwritten Notes 1
- Influenza--Pennsylvania--Bethlehem. 1
- Ingersoll Rand Company 1
- Keneseth Israel Allentown 1
- Lamberton Hall 1
- Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company 1
- Lehigh University 1
- Lehigh University -- Alumni and alumnae 1
- Lehigh University--Students 1
- Lehigh University. Class of 1899. 1
- Lehigh University. Presidents. 1
- Lehigh Valley Coal Company 1
- Lehigh Valley Rail Road 1
- Letters (correspondence) 1
- Louisville, Ky. Boys’ High School 1
- Manatawny Bessemer Iron Ore Company 1
- Manuscripts (documents) 1
- Maryland Conservation Association 1
- McClintic-Marshall 1
- Military Training Camps Association 1
- Mining and Mechanical Institute of the Anthracite Coal Region of Pennsylvania 1
- Mining engineering 1
- Moravian Seminary 1
- Musconetong Tunnel 1
- National Reserve Corps 1
- Northeastern Pennsylvania Lehigh Club 1
- Notebooks 1
- Oberlin College 1
- Packer Hall 1
- Pennsylvania Forestry Association 1
- Philadelphia Lehigh Club 1
- Phoenixville, PA. Woman’s Club 1
- Sayre Observatory 1
- Southern Lehigh Club 1
- Speech Typescripts 1
- Students’ Army Training Corps 1
- Tau Beta Pi 1
- Taylor Gymnasium. 1
- Taylor Hall. 1
- Taylor Stadium. 1
- Thaddeus Stevens Boys’ High School 1
- Tome School 1
- Universities and colleges 1
- University of Illinois 1
- University presidents 1
- Yeates School 1
- Young Men's Christian Association (Lehigh University) 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Grace, Eugene G. (Eugene Gifford), 1876-1960 2
- Lehigh University 2
- Packer, Asa, 1805-1879 2
- Sayre, Robert H. (Robert Heysham), 1824-1907 2
- Sayre, William Heysham 2
- Arthur , James B. 1
- Ashbaugh, F. R. 1
- Ashby, James C. 1
- Babasinian, Vahan S. 1
- Barker Family 1
- Barker, Laura Shatsie 1
- Barker, Lucy Helen 1
- Bartlett, Ralph L. 1
- Beck, George C. 1
- Becker, Sylvanus A. 1
- Berkeley, William N. 1
- Bickley, John H. 1
- Birckhead, Malbone Hunter 1
- Bird, Frederic Mayer 1
- Blake, Robert W. 1
- Blake, Robert William, 1864-1921 1
- Bradford, Mary Jane 1
- Brashear, John A. 1
- Brodhead Family 1
- Brodhead, Abraham 1
- Brodhead, Camelia 1
- Brodhead, Charles 1
- Brodhead, Hannah Drake 1
- Brodhead, Jennie Seymour 1
- Brodhead, Mary Bradford 1
- Brodhead, Rachel 1
- Brodhead, Richard 1
- Brown, S. LeRoy 1
- Callen, Arthur S. 1
- Carnegie, Andrew 1
- Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 1
- Cassidy, Frank P. 1
- Chandler, Evelyn Sayre 1
- Chandler, Mary Eliza 1
- Chandler, Steward 1
- Charles, Rollin L. 1
- Chiles, George S. 1
- Conkling, Leon D. 1
- Conrad, Lowell E. 1
- Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 1
- Coxe, Eckley B. (Eckley Brinton), 1839-1895 1
- Coxe, Sophia G. 1
- Crawford, C. M. 1
- Cummings, Mary Hannah Packer, 1839-1912 1
- Daniels, Joseph 1
- Davis, Jefferson 1
- Davis, Walter W. 1
- Dawson, Joseph R. 1
- Dolt, Maurice L. 1
- Doolittle, C. L. (Charles Leander), 1843-1919 1
- Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1850-1937 1
- Drown, Thomas M., (Thomas Messinger), 1842-1904 1
- DuBois, Augustus Jay 1
- Eckfeldt, Howard 1
- Ely, Camelia 1
- Emery, Natt M. (Natt Morrill), 1873-1935 1
- Eric Doolittle (1870-1920) Lehigh Class 1891 (CE) 1
- Evans, Frances Armita 1
- Fischer, Siegfried 1
- Fogg, Ralph 1
- Foster, Edward S. 1
- Fox, Charles Shattuck 1
- Franklin, William S. (William Suddards), 1863-1930 1
- Frazier, Benjamin West (1841-1905) 1
- French, Hollis Stratton 1
- French, Mary Norris 1
- Frick Family 1
- Frick, John Arthur 1
- Frick, Robert Packer Linderman 1
- Frick, Ruth Evelyn Linderman 1
- George, Ralph E. 1
- Gilbert, Chester G. 1
- Gilmore, Ralph John 1
- Goodwin, Homer Stanley 1
- Gowdy, R. C. 1
- Grace, John Wesley, Jr. 1
- Gruber, H. D. 1
- Hall, Robert W. 1
- Hammond, H. P. 1
- Harding, Hugh Wilson 1
- Haskell, Frank E. 1
- Heck, Robert Culbertson Hays 1
- Hendricks, K. E. 1
- Henley, Archibald Richard 1
- Herr, Hiero B. 1
- Hillman, Evelyn 1
- Hillman, Ralf Ridgeway 1
- Hintze, Ferdinand F. 1
- Hoekstra, Peter A. 1
- Howarth, Harry A. S 1
- Hughes, Percy L. 1
- Ingalsbe, Frank Richmond 1
- Johnston, Archibald, 1865-1948 1
- Joyce, Ezra W. 1 + ∧ less