Showing Collections: 1 - 3 of 3
Civil Engineering Surveying Notes, 1880-1898
A historical description of Lehigh University’s campus and its relationship to Bethlehem through surveying notes made by the civil engineering students from Sophomore Classes in the 1880s as recorded in this field notebook. The Surveying classes were under the instruction of Professor Charles L. Doolittle, father of poetess Hilda Doolittle. Some of the student notations were made by H. H. McClintic and C. D. Marshall, who would later form the company that built the Panama Canal gates.
Richard H. Tucker Papers
This collection includes documents from Richard H. Tucker’s days as both a student and a professor at Lehigh University, such as correspondences, newspaper clippings, scrapbook, diplomas, certificates and photographs.
Speeches of Henry Sturgis Drinker President of Lehigh University
Typescripts of speeches, many with additional penciled-in notes, given by Dr. Drinker as president of Lehigh University, as president of the American Forestry Association, and as a supporter of war preparedness and the Student Army Training Corps movement.
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- Subject
- Bethlehem (Pa.) 2
- Lehigh University 2
- Letters (correspondence) 2
- Sayre Observatory 2
- American Conservation Congress 1
- American Forestry Association 1
- Army R. O. T. C. 1
- Astronomy 1
- Atlas Cement Company 1
- Bench marks—Pennsylvania—Allentown. 1
- Bench marks—Pennsylvania—Lehigh River. 1
- Bench marks—Pennsylvania—South Bethlehem. 1
- Bethlehem Preparatory School 1
- Brooklyn Lehigh Club 1
- Bucknell University 1
- Buffalo Lehigh University Club 1
- Calypso Island – Lehigh River 1
- Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
- Chicago Lehigh Club 1
- Christian Bleich House 1
- Civil engineering 1
- Civil engineers 1
- Clippings (information artifacts) 1
- College students 1
- Conservation of natural resources--United States. 1
- Coxe Laboratory 1
- Drexel Institute 1
- Drown Memorial Hall. 1
- E. P. Wilbur Trust Company 1
- East Penn Junction 1
- Education, Higher 1
- Extension School 1
- Field notes 1
- Forestry 1
- Fritz Engineering Laboratory. 1
- Hamilton Range, Mount (Calif.) 1
- Handwritten Notes 1
- Hydraulics Laboratory 1
- Influenza--Pennsylvania--Bethlehem. 1
- Ingersoll Rand Company 1
- John Danner House 1
- Keneseth Israel Allentown 1
- Lamberton Hall 1
- Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company 1
- Lehigh River (Pa.) 1
- Lehigh University -- Alumni and alumnae 1
- Lehigh University -- History 1
- Lehigh University. Presidents. 1
- Lehigh Valley Coal Company 1
- Lehigh Valley Rail Road 1
- Louisville, Ky. Boys’ High School 1
- Manatawny Bessemer Iron Ore Company 1
- Maryland Conservation Association 1
- McClintic-Marshall 1
- Military Training Camps Association 1
- Mining and Mechanical Institute of the Anthracite Coal Region of Pennsylvania 1
- Mining engineering 1
- Moravian Seminary 1
- Musconetong Tunnel 1
- National Reserve Corps 1
- Northeastern Pennsylvania Lehigh Club 1
- Notebooks 1
- Oberlin College 1
- Packer Hall 1
- Packer Hall Tower 1
- Pennsylvania Forestry Association 1
- Personal correspondence 1
- Philadelphia (Pa.) 1
- Philadelphia Lehigh Club 1
- Phoenixville, PA. Woman’s Club 1
- Report cards 1
- Sand Island – Lehigh River 1
- Scrapbooks 1
- Southern Lehigh Club 1
- Speech Typescripts 1
- Students 1
- Students’ Army Training Corps 1
- Tau Beta Pi 1
- Taylor Gymnasium. 1
- Taylor Hall. 1
- Taylor Stadium. 1
- Thaddeus Stevens Boys’ High School 1
- Tome School 1
- Universities and colleges 1
- University Azimuth stones 1
- University Park 1
- University Reservoir 1
- University of Illinois 1
- University presidents 1
- Wiscasset (Me.) 1
- Yeates School 1
- Young Men's Christian Association (Lehigh University) 1 + ∧ less
- Names
- Merriman, Mansfield, 1848-1925 2
- Packer, Asa, 1805-1879 2
- Tucker, R. H. (Richard Hawley), 1859-1952 2
- Arthur , James B. 1
- Ashbaugh, F. R. 1
- Ashby, James C. 1
- Auchmuty, Harrison Link 1
- Babasinian, Vahan S. 1
- Bartlett, Ralph L. 1
- Bates, Edmund A 1
- Beatty, William Donaldson 1
- Beck, George C. 1
- Becker, Sylvanus A. 1
- Berg, Walter G. 1
- Berkeley, William N. 1
- Bermudes, Francisco Alberto 1
- Beverson, William Lowrey 1
- Bickley, John H. 1
- Birckhead, Malbone Hunter 1
- Bird, Frederic Mayer 1
- Blake, Robert W. 1
- Blake, Robert William, 1864-1921 1
- Bonnot, Alexander 1
- Bonzano, Hubert Alexander 1
- Bowman, William James Jarrand 1
- Bradford, William 1
- Brashear, John A. 1
- Breinig, Richard Singmaster 1
- Brodhead, Charles 1
- Brown, John Henry 1
- Brown, S. LeRoy 1
- Bruegel, Adolph Theodore 1
- Bryan, Kennerly 1
- Butler, Charles Noble 1
- Byers, Morton Lewis 1
- Callen, Arthur S. 1
- Carnegie, Andrew 1
- Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 1
- Cassidy, Frank P. 1
- Chandler, Steward 1
- Chandler, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1906 1
- Charles, Rollin L. 1
- Chiles, George S. 1
- Coast and Geodetic Survey 1
- Conkling, Leon D. 1
- Connard, George Philip 1
- Conrad, Lowell E. 1
- Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 1
- Cornelius, Justice Cox 1
- Coxe, Eckley B. (Eckley Brinton), 1839-1895 1
- Coxe, Sophia G. 1
- Crawford, C. M. 1
- Cummings, Mary Hannah Packer, 1839-1912 1
- Cunningham, Benjamin Amos 1
- Dalrymple, Francis Wharton 1
- Daniels, Joseph 1
- Daniels, Reuben 1
- Davis, George Herschel 1
- Davis, Walter W. 1
- Davis, William Schaff 1
- Dawson, Joseph R. 1
- DeWitt, Philip Hoffecker 1
- Dolt, Maurice L. 1
- Domenech, Manuel Victor 1
- Douglas, Henry Bowman 1
- Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1850-1937 1
- Drown, Thomas M., (Thomas Messinger), 1842-1904 1
- DuBois, Augustus Jay 1
- East Penn Railroad 1
- Eckfeldt, Howard 1
- Edson, William Noble 1
- Emery, Natt M. (Natt Morrill), 1873-1935 1
- Engelbert, John Roberts 1
- Eric Doolittle (1870-1920) Lehigh Class 1891 (CE) 1
- Fink, Frederick William 1
- Fischer, Siegfried 1
- Focht, Charles Wesley 1
- Fogg, Ralph 1
- Foote, William Banks 1
- Foster, Edward S. 1
- Fox, Charles Shattuck 1
- Franklin, William S. (William Suddards), 1863-1930 1
- Frazier, Benjamin West (1841-1905) 1
- Frescoln, Samuel Wilson 1
- Freyhold, Felix 1
- Gates, William 1
- George, Ralph E. 1
- Gilbert, Chester G. 1
- Gilmore, Ralph John 1
- Goodnow, William Theodore 1
- Goodwin, H. Stanley 1
- Goodwin, Homer Stanley 1
- Gotwald, Robert Caldwell 1
- Gowdy, R. C. 1
- Grace, Eugene G. (Eugene Gifford), 1876-1960 1
- Grossart, Lewis John Henry 1
- Gruber, H. D. 1
- Hall, Robert W. 1
- Hammond, H. P. 1 + ∧ less