Showing Collections: 1 - 4 of 4
Documents of Rollin Reuben Keim, Lehigh Class of 1919
A collection of ephemera of a Lehigh alumnus, Rollin Reuben Keim, concerning his personal interests, his career as a City of Bethlehem businessman and contributions to his Lehigh Class as Class correspondent for Lehigh Alumni Bulletin. Major portion of the collection is data and visual material related to the Hill-to-Hill Bridge, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.
Lehigh University Honorary Degree Recipients, 1906-1968
Material pertaining to honorary degree recipients for the years 1906-1968 (some files more complete than others) including minutes of the faculty committee making selections, notification to nominees, arrangements for the ceremonies, and citations upon presentation.
Linderman Family Genealogy Documents (Including Brodhead, Packer, Sayre, Frick Families)
An attempt is made to trace the Linderman Family as it is directly associated with Lehigh University. The Lindermans in the United States seemingly trace their ancestry to Jacob von Linderman who came to New York in 1710. He is believed to be a relative of the brother of Margarette Linderman Luther, the mother of the German Reformation religious leader, Martin Luther.
Preston A. Lambert Papers 1884 - 1927
These papers reflect an era of formally engraved invitations, letters of appreciation among faculty, students, university presidents and alumni and general camaraderie. Interesting historical notes are stated in some of the letters in the exchange between a faculty member and three University presidents.