Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 42
Location of Pipes in the Lehigh University Park
An historical engineering viewpoint of the campus facilities of 1885 with small location maps of buildings, streets, water and gas pipes drawn by survey measurements.
Market Street Bridge/Kittanning Bridge 1932
The collection shows a series of construction photos of a Pennsylvania Department of Highways Parker Through Truss Bridge built by the McClintic-Marshall Company. The bridge is known as the Market Street Bridge or the Kittanning Bridge and carries Business US 422 over the Allegheny River from Kittanning, PA to Applewold on the opposite bank. Also very cursorily are a few photos and brief description of the Brewery Bridge in Latrobe, PA.
Marsha Kleedorfer Collection
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Matthew Currie Collection
The collection material consists of three research pamphlets unrelated to each other except by age.
Papers of Prof. Albert William De Neufville, Lehigh University, Departments of Civil and Mechanical Engineering.
Paul Salerni Collection
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Philip I. and Muriel M. Berman Papers Collection II
Photo Album of Bridges by G. W. Philips
Photo Album of Hill-to-Hill Bridge Construction
Album contains small black and white photographs many of the siting and building of the Hill-to-Hill Bridge over the Lehigh River connecting the two Bethlehems in Pennsylvania. Also in the album are photographs of young men in graduation gowns, college dorm life and young people cavorting in outdoor activities.
Photograph Album of the De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. Kimberley, South Africa 1899-1905
This collection of photographs records the careers of two Lehigh alumni in mining engineering and illustrate the diamond mining procedures in South Africa of the world’s most famous mining conglomerate – De Beers, from 1899 to 1905.