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Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 80

Ernest Nevin Dilworth papers

Identifier: SC MS 0146

Ernest Nevin Dilworth was a professor of English at Lehigh from 1949 to 1977. Collection contains manuscript drafts of his published work and reference/citation cards, notes, and correspondence with publishers and colleagues.

Dates: 1949-1990; Majority of material found within 1949-1977

F. B. Peck Limestone Notebook

Identifier: SC MS 0190

Frederick Burritt Peck, a geologist, created a notebook detailing information regarding the Vanport Limestone in Lawrence County in Pennsylvania. His preliminary report is divided into different topics about the limestone from its availability to its general description. The destination of the report is unknown.

Dates: 1898 to 1955

Frank Oliver Dufour Notes

Identifier: SC MS 0189
Abstract This manuscript primarily presents the civil engineering problems from Prof. Mansfield Merriman’s class on “Materials of Mechanics.” Also, included in the notebook is a curious collection of “recipes” for making beer, brick, bread, glass of various types, coloring pottery, glycerine, descriptions of various telegraph systems: duplex differential method as perfected by Frischer, duplex bridge method perfected by Dr. Muirhead, and the Atlantic Cable System as well as a blueprint from the...
Dates: 1896-19??

Frederick Rohatyn Collection [In progress]

Identifier: SC MS 0461

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Dates: 1935 - 2003

Genealogical Documents Related to Lehigh University President Charles Russ Richards

Identifier: SC MS0267

Interesting display of genealogical research establishing Lehigh University President, Charles Russ Richards, related to noteworthy inventor and engineer, James Watt.

Dates: 1833 - 1941; Majority of material found within 1833 - 1941

George and Helen Papashvily Archives

Identifier: SC MS 0090

George and Helen Papashvily Archives consists of manuscripts, correspondence with publishers and agents, and clippings of articles Helen Papashvily wrote. Also included are photographs of George's sculptures, exhibition catalogs and programs, and correspondence concerning his ventures. The third section of the material includes cartons of letters from readers, fans, and friends; a box of slides and other ephemera, including the two hoods from their honorary degrees.

Dates: 1996

Girdler Family Records

Identifier: SC MS 0247
Abstract An extensive collection of correspondence, information and genealogical searches made by current family members to trace ancestors into the Seventeenth Century when it is believed the first of the Girdlers came to the American colonies. The early ancestors settled in Marblehead, Essex County, Massachusetts and were involved in the mariner trade as sailors, masters and captains of merchant ships. Perhaps the most famous was Lewis Girdler, master of the “Betsy” who was a licensed privateer...
Dates: 1783 to 1995; Majority of material found within 1802 to 1915

Harvey Bassler Papers, 1900-1968

Identifier: SC MS 0019
Abstract Correspondence, handwritten and also edited transcription of diaries and records of the donation of his personal library of Harvey Bassler, who was a geologist for Standard Oil Company in Peru, from 1920-1932. Included are the diaries and other notes he took on his field trips in Peru, an edited copy of the diaries and the duplicated compilation of the diaries written by Bradford Willard in 1965-1966, as well as much personal correspondence during the period. Also included is a list of the...
Dates: 1900-1968; Majority of material found within 1926-1939

Helen Cornelison Interior Design Sketchbook

Identifier: SC MS0361
Scope and Contents Her Sketchbook of Interior Designs contains exquisitely drawn illustrations of architectural features, interior room design, jewelry designs, lamp shade design and furniture, along with some class notes and brief histories of particular furniture design eras, ie: Louis XIV and XVI, Elizabethan, Sheraton, Chippendale, etc.. Collection contains 45 pencil drawings on stained heavy ivory paper bound in a greyish brown buckram two ring binder measuring 27.5 x 21 x 2.5 cm wrapped in a mylar...
Dates: 1915 - 1919; Majority of material found within 1915 - 1919

Henry K. Wetherhold World War II Memoirs

Identifier: SC MS 0081

Henry K. Wetherhold served in the 364th Bombardment Squadron, 305th Bombardment Group, 8th Air Force, from 1943-1945 as a pilot. He flew 30 missions in a B-17, all of which are described and documented in this album, including photos and newspaper clippings. Documentation of his army service, awards, etc. is included. There are also sketches, photos, notes, etc. of reunions with his group, and photos of his family, up to 1994.

Dates: 1943-1945

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  • Repository: Lehigh University Special Collections X
  • Language: English X
  • Subject: Notebooks X
  • Subject: Notebooks X

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Notebooks 72
Photographs 21
Scrapbooks 16
Civil engineers 11
Lehigh University 7
∨ more
Notebooks. 7
Bethlehem (Pa.) 6
Civil engineers. 5
###OPTIONAL – Geographical terms, local Lehigh building names, etc. 4
Audiotapes 4
Bridges 4
Civil engineering 4
Correspondence 4
Lehigh University--Students 4
Allentown (Pa.) 3
Chemistry -- Study and teaching 3
Chemists 3
Composers 3
Diaries 3
Genealogy 3
Lehigh River (Pa.) 3
Lehigh University -- Alumni and alumnae 3
Manuscripts (documents) 3
Mechanical engineers 3
Mining engineers 3
Posters 3
South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 3
Students 3
Textbooks 3
Videotapes 3
Bethlehem (Pa.) -- History 2
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 2
Blueprints 2
Booksellers 2
Bridge engineering 2
Bucks County (Pa.) 2
Business 2
Clippings (information artifacts) 2
Erie Canal (N.Y.) 2
Grace Hall 2
Hill-to-Hill Bridge, Bethlehem, Pa. 2
Laboratory notebooks 2
Lawyers 2
Lehigh River Valley (Pa.) 2
Lehigh University memorabilia 2
Letters (correspondence) 2
Limestone 2
Logs (records) 2
Mariners 2
Mechanical engineering -- Study and teaching 2
Metallurgy 2
Musical scores 2
Musicians 2
Newspaper clippings 2
Northampton County (Pa.) 2
Packer Hall 2
Pamphlets 2
Pennants 2
Philadelphia (Pa.) 2
Professors (Teachers) 2
Quarries (extracting complexes) 2
Saucon Valley, 2
Science -- Study and teaching (Secondary) 2
Sketchbooks 2
Surveyors 2
Susquehanna River. 2
Truss bridges 2
Union Canal (Pa.) 2
United States -- Politics and government 2
Upper Saucon (Pa. : Township) 2
Accountants 1
Activists. 1
Aerospace engineering 1
Aerospace engineers 1
Ainney Valley (east of Trexlertown - South Allentown), 1
Air pilots 1
Alabama--Huntsville 1
Albany (N.Y.) 1
Albums 1
Algonac (Mich.) 1
Allentown Formation, 1
Alumni Memorial Building 1
Amsterdam, the Netherlands 1
Arab-Israeli conflict 1
Armed forces -- Officers 1
Art -- Collectors and collecting 1
Art, Israeli 1
Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 1
Atlantic telegraph cable system 1
Auburn, New York 1
Authors 1
Baltimore, Maryland 1
Baseball 1
Batangas 1
Bear Hills (Pa.) 1
Belle River (Ont.) 1
Belmont Tunnel New York City 1
Bench marks—Pennsylvania—Allentown. 1
Bench marks—Pennsylvania—Lehigh River. 1
Bench marks—Pennsylvania—South Bethlehem. 1
+ ∧ less
German 1
Lehigh University 13
Merriman, Mansfield, 1848-1925 5
Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 4
Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1850-1937 3
Lehigh University--Alumni and alumnae. 3
∨ more
Lehigh University. Curricula 3
Lehigh University. Students 3
Bethlehem Steel Company 2
Bradford, William 2
Douglas, Henry Bowman 2
Dufour, Frank Oliver 2
Elkus Family 2
Elkus, Jonathan 2
Grace, Eugene G. (Eugene Gifford), 1876-1960 2
Grossart, Lewis John Henry 2
Hudson, Clarence Walter 2
Johnston, Archibald, 1865-1948 2
Lehigh University. Department of Chemistry 2
Lightfoot Family 2
New York times 2
North Penn Railroad 2
Pennsylvania Railroad Company 2
Richards, Charles R. (Charles Russ Richards) 2
Schwab, Charles M., 1862-1939 2
Stevens Family 2
Thomas Iron Company 2
Walker, Richard Washington 2
Wells, James Hollis (Class of 1885) 2
Wilbur, Warren A. 2
Abram S. Hewitt 1
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1
American Chemical Society 1
American Locomotive Company 1
Anderson, Polly 1
ArtsQuest 1
Auchmuty, Harrison Link 1
Avitzur, Betzalel, 1925- 1
Bach Choir of Bethlehem (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1
Bach, Johann Sebastian 1
Baer, Cooke & Co. 1
Baker, Gretchen Wolle Prescott 1
Baldwin Locomotive Works 1
Baldwin, Clarence K 1
Barrows, William A 1
Bassler, Harvey, 1883-1950 1
Batcheler, Bowen & Wolverton 1
Bates, Edmund A 1
Baumgardner, Valentine 1
Beach, Harry W. (Harry Wilber) 1
Beatty, William Donaldson 1
Bechhoefer, Carl H. (Carl Haydn), 1883-1946 1
Beckham, Nabby? 1
Benjamin Franklin Fackenthal, Jr. (1851-1941) 1
Berg, Walter G. 1
Berger, Barron Deker. 1
Berman Family 1
Bermudes, Francisco Alberto 1
Bernstein, Lester. 1
Bethlehem Bridge Commission 1
Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Employees 1
Beverson, William Lowrey 1
Bieber, Irwin W., 1847-1909 1
Bird Family. 1
Black Diamond Express 1
Blackmar, John M. 1
Bonnot, Alexander 1
Bonzano, Hubert Alexander 1
Bower, Conrad 1
Bowman, William James Jarrand 1
Boyd, J. W. (James W.) 1
Breinig, Richard Singmaster 1
Bricker, Charles Sumner 1
Brightbill, David 1
Brown, John Henry 1
Bruegel, Adolph Theodore 1
Bryan, Kennerly 1
Butler, Charles Noble 1
Byers, Morton Lewis 1
C. A. Baer & Co. 1
Camba, Ramon 1
Canadian Society of Chemical Industry 1
Carded Woolen Manufacturers Association 1
Carl Adams Baer 1
Carl Adams Baer (Lehigh E.E. Class 1908) 1
Chadwick, Beckly? 1
Chadwick, Jenny 1
Chamberlain, Hiram Sanborn, 1882-1923 1
Chandler, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1906 1
Charles Russ Richards 1
Chemical Society of Lehigh University 1
Claghorn, Polly 1
Clift, Arthur Stebbins 1
Coast and Geodetic Survey 1
Cohen, Goldman & Company, Importers 1
Connard, George Philip 1
Connor, Samuel 1
Conradi, G.A. 1
Cooper & Hewitt Company 1
Cooper, Hewitt & Company 1
Coppée Family 1
+ ∧ less