Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 405
Civil Engineering Surveying Notes, 1880-1898
A historical description of Lehigh University’s campus and its relationship to Bethlehem through surveying notes made by the civil engineering students from Sophomore Classes in the 1880s as recorded in this field notebook. The Surveying classes were under the instruction of Professor Charles L. Doolittle, father of poetess Hilda Doolittle. Some of the student notations were made by H. H. McClintic and C. D. Marshall, who would later form the company that built the Panama Canal gates.
Civil Engineering Works Photograph Collection
Civil War Letters and Memorabilia Collected by John Henry Stuckey
Collection of United States Civil War letters primarily between the families of Joseph D. Richardson (Beverly, NJ), Lloyd Girton and Francis Rupert (Bloomsburg, PA) including responding letters and one additional letter from a Confederate soldier William T. Bickham (Franklintown, LA). Also included are patriotic iconography envelopes - some with or without stamps and related references used by the Civil War enthusiast who assembled the letters and related reference material.
Classical League of the Lehigh Valley
Coal Miner’s Archive: John Nuttall and George W. McGaffey
A fascinating collection of material about the coal industry in western Pennsylvania and West Virginia and the Nuttall family’s expansion of their bituminous coal empire in the mid Nineteenth Century. The Nuttall Family history is prominent today in connection with the New River Gorge National Park in West Virginia.
Collection of Wheel Charts, Wheel Calculators and other Circular Ephemera
Small collection of two-dimensional interactivity of complex information packaged in an informational design requiring hand - eye coordination of using a wheel chart. Perhaps the best example is the lumber scale to determine the necessary lumber required to build a specifically determined structure or the necessary cement required to make a cubic yard of concrete.
Colonial Iron Manufacture Ledger 1770-1773
Congressman Francis E. Walter Guest Book
Guest book kept in the Congressman Francis E. Walter's office at the Capitol Hill includes autographs of wide range of guests and visitors cultural and political figures such as President Kennedy, Pearl S. Buck, Olivia DeHaviland, James Michener, Alexandra Tolstoy. Handmade book is gold colored silk Chinese accordion styled pages of thick board with ivory peg fasteners for front cover with three Chinese characters on paper label.
Construction of Coxe Laboratory, 1908-1919
General correspondence, plans, blueprints, invoices and correspondence regarding insurance for Coxe Mining Laboratory.
Construction of Packard Laboratory
Material includes vouchers, bank statements, a check book, and work sheets for bonds, for the building of the Packard Laboratory in 1929 1932.