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Showing Collections: 21 - 30 of 46

Lehigh Compact Discs and CD-ROMs

Identifier: SCCD

Collection of CD-ROMs, CD-Rs, CD-RWs, data CDs, photo CDs, video CDs and DVDs.

Dates: 2000-2017

Lehigh University President Henry Coppée Manuscripts and Lecture Notes

Identifier: SC MS 0018

Manuscripts, and holograph notebooks of some lectures delivered by Henry Coppée, first president of Lehigh University, on Woman, Education, Rhetoric, English language and literature, Christian Evidences, International Law, Health, and History, as well as the manuscript of his published book "Conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors." Most interesting are his personal observations as an Army officer marching into Mexico City during the Mexican-American War.

Dates: 1846-1893

Local Maps: Pennsylvania and New Jersey

Identifier: SC MS0394

Group of topographic maps of region of Pennsylvania and New Jersey divided by the Delaware River made by the U.S. Geological Survey from 1907 to 1946. Also includes two Urban Atlases: Allentown - Bethlehem - Easton, Pennsylvania and Chicago, Illinois. Formerly these items belonged to Lehigh University’s Geology Department or the History Department.

Dates: 1907 - 1974; Majority of material found within 1941 - 1974

Location of Pipes in the Lehigh University Park

Identifier: SC MS 0200

An historical engineering viewpoint of the campus facilities of 1885 with small location maps of buildings, streets, water and gas pipes drawn by survey measurements.

Dates: June-July 1885

Louis Edouard Rivot Lectures on Mining Engineering

Identifier: SC MS 0355

Handwritten lecture notes in French which became the basis for a popular mining engineers field handbook in the late Nineteenth Century. The lectures were given by Professor Louis Edouard Rivot at Ecole Imperiale des Mines in Paris and the notes taken by his student Rothwell. The manuscripts owned by Eckley B. Coxe then donated to Lehigh in 1897.

Dates: 1859 - 1861

Market Street Bridge/Kittanning Bridge 1932

Identifier: SC Photo-0019

The collection shows a series of construction photos of a Pennsylvania Department of Highways Parker Through Truss Bridge built by the McClintic-Marshall Company. The bridge is known as the Market Street Bridge or the Kittanning Bridge and carries Business US 422 over the Allegheny River from Kittanning, PA to Applewold on the opposite bank. Also very cursorily are a few photos and brief description of the Brewery Bridge in Latrobe, PA.

Dates: 1931-1932; Majority of material found within 1931-1932, 1958

Marsha Kleedorfer Collection

Identifier: SC MS 0427

## Give BRIEF (1-3 sentences) description of collection

Dates: 1890 - 1987

Matthew Currie Collection

Identifier: SC MS0416
Scope and Contents

The collection material consists of three research pamphlets unrelated to each other except by age.

Dates: 1929 - 1937; Majority of material found within 1929 - 1937

Mexican Political Pamphlets

Identifier: SC MS 0216

A 3-box collection of broadsides and pamphlets referencing the political issues of Mexico and their domestic and international struggles from the early 1800’s until the mid-1840s.

Dates: 1808 - 1845

[Panama Canal]: Memoria y Planos de un Anteproyecto para la Terminacion del Canal de Panama

Identifier: SC MS 0258
Scope and Contents The collection is a single manuscript measuring 21.5 x 15.5 cm. stored in a black paper wrapped box measuring 27 x 22 x 3 cm. The manuscript is contained within stiff card paper covers of burgundy colored paper with gilt title “Memoria y Planos de un anteprocyecto para la terminacion del Canal De Panamá por D. Gabriel M. Campo” and decorative borders. The pages are edged in red. It is illustrated with three folded plans including two blue prints: Proyecto de construccion en túnel Plano,...
Dates: 1892-1894

Filtered By

  • Repository: Lehigh University Special Collections X
  • Subject: Civil engineers X
  • Subject: Civil engineers X
  • Subject: Civil engineers X

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Additional filters:

Civil engineers 38
Notebooks 13
Photographs 12
Civil engineers. 8
Civil engineering 7
∨ more
Bridges 6
Scrapbooks 6
###OPTIONAL – Geographical terms, local Lehigh building names, etc. 4
Civil engineering--Study and teaching 4
Notebooks. 4
Railroad engineering 4
Structural engineering 4
Blueprints 3
Lecture notes 3
Lehigh University 3
Lehigh University -- Alumni and alumnae 3
Manuscripts (documents) 3
Mining engineers 3
Pamphlets 3
Allegheny River 2
Bethlehem (Pa.) 2
Booksellers 2
Bridge engineering 2
Brooklyn Bridge (New York, N.Y.) 2
Cartographers 2
Cartography 2
Drawings (visual works) 2
East River, New York 2
Engineering 2
Environmental Engineering 2
Erie Canal (N.Y.) 2
Fritz Engineering Laboratory. 2
Fritz, John, 1822-1913 2
Hudson River, New York 2
Iron and steel workers. 2
Iron mines and mining 2
Jersey City (N.J.) 2
Lehigh River (Pa.) 2
Lehigh University--Faculty 2
Letters (correspondence) 2
Maps 2
Mechanical engineers 2
Mexico 2
Mining engineering 2
Panama Canal (Panama) 2
Professors (Teachers) 2
South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 2
Students 2
Susquehanna River. 2
Union Canal (Pa.) 2
Adams County (Ohio) 1
Aerodynamics 1
Aeronautical engineering 1
Aeronautics 1
Aircrafts 1
Albany (N.Y.) 1
America -- Discovery and exploration -- Early works to 1800 1
American River Bridge, California 1
American literature 1
Anthracite coal--Pennsylvania 1
Applewold, Pennsylvania 1
Architects. 1
Architecture 1
Armies--Officers 1
Armstrong County 1
Art -- Collectors and collecting 1
Art, Israeli 1
Atlantic Avenue, Brooklyn, New York 1
Auburn, New York 1
Audiotapes 1
Authors 1
Baldwin Universal Testing Machine 1
Beasley Fork Bridge, Ohio 1
Belleair (Fla.) 1
Belleview Bridge, Belleair, Florida 1
Belmont Tunnel New York City 1
Bench marks—Pennsylvania—Allentown. 1
Bench marks—Pennsylvania—Lehigh River. 1
Bench marks—Pennsylvania—South Bethlehem. 1
Bethlehem (Pa.) -- History 1
Bethlehem Cornwall Corporation 1
Bethlehem Iron Company 1
Bethlehem Mines Corp. 1
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 1
Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 1
Binghamton, New York 1
Bituminous coal mines and mining 1
Blair Bridge, Montgomery County, Maryland 1
Bowie Canyon 1
Bowie Seamount 1
Bremen, Germany 1
Bridge Construction 1
Bridge builders - Nineteenth century 1
Bridges - Railway arch truss 1
Bridges - Whipple truss 1
Bridges - iron - Nineteenth century 1
Bridges -- Design and construction 1
Bridges -- Pennsylvania 1
Bridges -- Peru -- Nineteenth century 1
Bridges -- United States 1
+ ∧ less
English 42
Spanish; Castilian 3
es 1
French 1
German 1
Lehigh University 4
Merriman, Mansfield, 1848-1925 4
Pennsylvania Railroad Company 4
Bethlehem Steel Company 2
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 2
∨ more
Bradford, William 2
Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1850-1937 2
Fritz, John, 1822-1913 2
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company 2
Lehigh University. Department of Civil Engineering 2
Lehigh University. Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering 2
Stout, Robert D 2
Walker, Richard Washington 2
Wells, James Hollis (Class of 1885) 2
Altemus, Charles 1
Ambursen, Nils Frederick, 1876-1953 1
American Railway Engineering Association 1
Astin, Allen Varley 1
Auchmuty, Harrison Link 1
Babcock & Wilcox 1
Baldwin-Westinghouse 1
Barnako, F. R. 1
Bartholomew, Ralph J. 1
Batcheler, Bowen & Wolverton 1
Bates, Edmund A 1
Beatty, William Donaldson 1
Bechhoefer, Carl H. (Carl Haydn), 1883-1946 1
Beckel Iron Foundry 1
Beedle, Lynn S. 1
Bellis-Morcom Co. 1
Berg, Walter G. 1
Berman Family 1
Bermudes, Francisco Alberto 1
Bernhardt, J. 1
Bethlehem Housing Authority 1
Beverson, William Lowrey 1
Bewley, Loyal Vivian 1
Bodine, Alfred V. 1
Bonnot, Alexander 1
Bonzano, Hubert Alexander 1
Bowie Family 1
Bowie, William C., 1872-1940 1
Bowman, William James Jarrand 1
Branscom, R. K. 1
Breinig, Richard Singmaster 1
Brigham, Alexander Fay 1
Brown, John Henry 1
Brown, N. 1
Bruegel, Adolph Theodore 1
Bryan, Kennerly 1
Bultfontein Mine 1
Butler, Charles Noble 1
Byers, Morton Lewis 1
Campo, Gabriel Moreno, 1849-1905 1
Carr, Thomas A. 1
Century Construction Company 1
Champion Bridge Company 1
Charles Russ Richards 1
Chester Creek Bridge 1
Coast and Geodetic Survey 1
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Highways 1
Concrete Steel Bridge Company 1
Connard, George Philip 1
Conrad, James 1
Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 1
Cornelius, Justice Cox 1
Cornell University 1
Coxe, Eckley B. (Eckley Brinton), 1839-1895 1
Cunningham, Benjamin Amos 1
Dallman, Martin 1
Dalrymple, Francis Wharton 1
Daniels, Reuben 1
Davis, George Herschel 1
Davis, William Schaff 1
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. 1
De Neufville, Albert, 1896-1981 1
DeWitt, Philip Hoffecker 1
Domenech, Manuel Victor 1
Doolittle, C. L. (Charles Leander), 1843-1919 1
Douglas, Henry Bowman 1
Dufour, Frank Oliver 1
Dutoitspan Mine 1
East Penn Railroad 1
Edson, William Noble 1
Eney, William J. 1
Engelbert, John Roberts 1
Ensminger 1
Entrekin, P. B. 1
Eric Doolittle (1870-1920) Lehigh Class 1891 (CE) 1
Errera, Samuel Joseph. 1
Ettelman, Ben 1
Filley, H. H. (Hiel Hamilton) 1
Fink, Frederick William 1
Finn, Bernard S. 1
Focht, Charles Wesley 1
Foote, William Banks 1
Fraser, Donald M. 1
Frescoln, Samuel Wilson 1
Freyhold, Felix 1
Frith, D. L. 1
+ ∧ less