Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 11
Archibald McIntyre Correspondence
These letters give a brief glimpse into the mining business in the early Nineteenth Century. Alexander McIntyre to whom these letters are addressed was an ambitious entrepreneur in the coal and iron country of New York and Pennsylvania with his name being passed on to many sites in these states.
Asa Packer Estate Accounts and Other Financial Documents, 1879-1924
A collection of financial records, including receipts, bills, statements, etc., in four separate Estate Accounts, administered by the trustees of the estate of Asa Packer, and Lehigh University covering the period May 1879 through 1972.
Bethlehem (Pa.) Coal Companies Records
This collection contains by-laws, minutes of meetings, indexes, and reports of several local coal companies, and corporations, with the same officers serving jointly in many of them.
F. B. Peck Limestone Notebook
Frederick Burritt Peck, a geologist, created a notebook detailing information regarding the Vanport Limestone in Lawrence County in Pennsylvania. His preliminary report is divided into different topics about the limestone from its availability to its general description. The destination of the report is unknown.
John Louis Gallus Weysser ’31 Papers
This collection contains materials from John Louis Gallus Weysser’s life, including documentation of his fraternity involvement, diplomas, awards earned in World War II, professional honors, photographs, and a flyer for his memorial service.
Johnson Run Mining Company
Business archive of the little documented Johnson Run Mining Company in Elk County, Pennsylvania. Also included are related personal papers of the officers, the brothers: Harry/Henry Gibbs Clay and Antony Alexander Clay, A. A. Clay’s daughter Estella Clay Priestley, Sybella Gordon Clay Reese; granddaughter Marian R. Priestley Frank and Thomas Leiper Kane, a member of the family that founded Kane, Pennsylvania.
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company Maps from Library of William Arthur Lathrop, President of LCNC 1906-1912
The collection of 19 maps issued by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Mines details both the anthracite and bituminous coal fields of Pennsylvania in great detail.
Lehigh Valley Anthracite Coal Industry Collection
A small collection of vintage publications, promotional material and ephemera related to anthracite coal usage in Lehigh Valley.