Showing Collections: 31 - 40 of 55
Lehigh Class of 1891 Class Reunions and 50 Year Book
Material relating to the publication of 50-year book, Lehigh 1891 (Bethlehem, Pa. Times Publishing Co., 1937) for the Lehigh University class of 1891. Includes correspondence with class members, and financial records of publication, as well as some personal papers of the editor, Harry T. Morris. Primarily from 1920 on, but some material dates from 1895.
Lehigh University Library Correspondence, 1924-1935
Letters written mostly to and from the president of Lehigh University, Charles Russ Richards, and the librarian, Howard Seavoy Leach, concerning all aspects of library business.
Lehigh University Library History, 1878-1974
Includes original invoices of purchases, 1878-1899; year-end and statistical reports from 1888-1922; financial statements, 1888-1896; miscellaneous correspondence and documents relating to the library and its history; and correspondence and a budget for Prof. Ross Yates projected history of Lehigh University (1974).
Lehigh University Presidents' Correspondence, 1866-1921
This collection includes letters written to the office of the President (some to the Secretary of the Faculty or the Registrar) between 1866 and 1921. These letters cover many aspects of "Life as President of Lehigh". Also included are sixty one "Letter Books" with the replies from the President in chronological order from 1878 to 1920.
Lehigh Valley Railroad Documents
Reflected in this collection is the bureaucracy of the Lehigh Valley Railroad Company from a train conductor’s view. The collection contains bulletins, supplements to bulletins, correspondence about operation of trains, train fares, schedules of train stations, time tables, conductor’s documentation of passengers’ destinations, tickets issued and material especially about the Black Diamond Express – the LVRR’s most famous train.
Leo-Arthur Kelmenson Chrysler Advertising Materials Archive
LEPOCO (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern) Archives
Letters to George F. Kunz From Lehigh University Personnel 1885- 1919
Letters to Sheldon Zalkind
This collection contains letter from 1943 from family and Lehigh friends to Sheldon Zalkind during his time in the military. It’s composed of 43 items, including correspondences, postcards, and a photograph.
Morton E. Sultzer Correspondence
Morton Ernest Sultzer, Class of 1912, was an active alumnus of Lehigh University, who befriended and helped many students to complete their college educations during the Great Depression era. The material here is compiled in a loose-leaf notebook with letters to and from Mr. Sultzer and 16 students that he helped during the 1930s, documenting the students' on-campus and off-campus lives and their personal, educational and economical struggles.