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Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 23

Lehigh University Library Correspondence, 1924-1935

Identifier: SC MS 0009

Letters written mostly to and from the president of Lehigh University, Charles Russ Richards, and the librarian, Howard Seavoy Leach, concerning all aspects of library business.

Dates: 1924-1935

Lehigh University Library History, 1878-1974

Identifier: SC MS 0030

Includes original invoices of purchases, 1878-1899; year-end and statistical reports from 1888-1922; financial statements, 1888-1896; miscellaneous correspondence and documents relating to the library and its history; and correspondence and a budget for Prof. Ross Yates projected history of Lehigh University (1974).

Dates: 1878-1984; Majority of material found within 1878-1899; Majority of material found within 1888-1922; Majority of material found within 1878-1896

Lehigh University Presidents' Correspondence, 1866-1921

Identifier: SC MS 0003

This collection includes letters written to the office of the President (some to the Secretary of the Faculty or the Registrar) between 1866 and 1921. These letters cover many aspects of "Life as President of Lehigh". Also included are sixty one "Letter Books" with the replies from the President in chronological order from 1878 to 1920.

Dates: 1866-1921

Letters to Sheldon Zalkind

Identifier: SC MS0243
Scope and Contents

This collection contains letter from 1943 from family and Lehigh friends to Sheldon Zalkind during his time in the military. It’s composed of 43 items, including correspondences, postcards, and a photograph.

Dates: 1943

Morton E. Sultzer Correspondence

Identifier: SC MS 0070

Morton Ernest Sultzer, Class of 1912, was an active alumnus of Lehigh University, who befriended and helped many students to complete their college educations during the Great Depression era. The material here is compiled in a loose-leaf notebook with letters to and from Mr. Sultzer and 16 students that he helped during the 1930s, documenting the students' on-campus and off-campus lives and their personal, educational and economical struggles.

Dates: 1927-1941

Records on Robert B. Honeyman Gifts to Lehigh University Library

Identifier: SC MS 0116

Records on Robert B. Honeyman Gifts to Lehigh University Library (1924-1978) contain items relating to Honeyman’s collection of rare books and manuscripts and his gift of part of that collection to his alma mater Lehigh University. These records include correspondence, primarily with Lehigh librarians Howard Seavoy Leach and James D. Mack, inventory and appraisal lists, and receipts for purchases from international antiquarian book dealers.

Dates: 1924-1978

Richard H. Tucker Papers

Identifier: SC MS 0041

This collection includes documents from Richard H. Tucker’s days as both a student and a professor at Lehigh University, such as correspondences, newspaper clippings, scrapbook, diplomas, certificates and photographs.

Dates: 1875-1894

Speeches of Henry Sturgis Drinker President of Lehigh University

Identifier: SC MS 0020

Typescripts of speeches, many with additional penciled-in notes, given by Dr. Drinker as president of Lehigh University, as president of the American Forestry Association, and as a supporter of war preparedness and the Student Army Training Corps movement.

Dates: 1905 - 1929

Sports History at Lehigh University Collected by H.R. (Bosey) Reiter in 1941

Identifier: SC MS 0015

A collection of letters written in 1941 to Professor H.R. (Bosey) Reiter in response to his request to alumni for reminiscences of their undergraduate experiences in athletics. The material was to be used in a publication for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the University, but there is no record that this was ever done. Responses came from graduates from the 1880s through the 1930s, including a few who also sent photographs.

Dates: 1941

Treasurer Records: Incoming Correspondence, 1903-1914

Identifier: SC MS 0006

This collection is composed of materials written to the Treasurer's office between 1903 and 1914, including notes, letters, loan records, and other miscellaneous financial documents.

Dates: 1903-1914

Filtered By

  • Repository: Lehigh University Special Collections X
  • Subject: Lehigh University X
  • Subject: Lehigh University X
  • Subject: Correspondence X

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Letters (correspondence) 13
Correspondence 9
Lehigh University -- History 8
Photographs 7
Lehigh University 6
∨ more
Bethlehem (Pa.) 5
Clippings (information artifacts) 4
Lehigh University -- Alumni and alumnae 4
Lehigh University--Students 4
Lehigh University -- Library -- History 3
Personal correspondence 3
Professors (Teachers) 3
Taylor Gymnasium. 3
Taylor Hall. 3
College administrators 2
College students 2
Coxe Laboratory 2
Drown Memorial Hall. 2
Education, Higher 2
Financial records 2
Fritz Engineering Laboratory. 2
Grace Hall 2
Industrialists 2
Lehigh University -- Students 2
Lehigh Valley Rail Road 2
Librarians 2
Libraries -- Insurance 2
Linderman Library 2
Newspaper clippings 2
Scrapbooks 2
Taylor Stadium. 2
50 year book, Lehigh 1891 1
Address books 1
Albums 1
Alpha Chi Rho 1
Alumni Memorial Building 1
American Conservation Congress 1
American Forestry Association 1
Antiquarian booksellers 1
Army R. O. T. C. 1
Articles 1
Astronomy 1
Athletic directors 1
Atlas Cement Company 1
Authors 1
Awards 1
Barthold, Allen J. 1
Bethlehem (Pa.)—History. 1
Bethlehem Preparatory School 1
Books 1
Brooklyn Lehigh Club 1
Bucknell University 1
Buffalo Lehigh University Club 1
Camp Lee (Va.) 1
Campus organizations 1
Carnegie Day 1
Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
Certificates 1
Charley Taylor Day 1
Chicago Lehigh Club 1
Civil engineering 1
College Presidents 1
Conservation of natural resources--United States. 1
Curriculum planning 1
Davis, Richard Harding, 1864-1916 1
Degrees, Academic 1
Diaries 1
Documents 1
Drexel Institute 1
Drown Memorial Hall 1
E. P. Wilbur Trust Company 1
Electrical engineers 1
Environmental Engineering 1
Essays 1
Extension School 1
Financial statements 1
Football 1
Football coaches 1
Forestry 1
Fort Dix (N.J.) 1
Greek letter societies 1
Hamilton Range, Mount (Calif.) 1
Handwritten Notes 1
Harvard University -- Alumni and alumnae 1
Hotel Bethlehem, Bethlehem (Pa.) 1
Influenza--Pennsylvania--Bethlehem. 1
Ingersoll Rand Company 1
Instituto Cultural Dominico-Americano 1
Keneseth Israel Allentown 1
Lamberton Hall 1
Lecture notes 1
Lehigh Coal and Navigation Company 1
Lehigh University -- Centennial Convocation 1
Lehigh University -- Funds and scholarships 1
Lehigh University -- Presidents 1
Lehigh University presidents. 1
Lehigh University--Buildings. 1
Lehigh University--Faculty 1
Lehigh University--Sports 1
Lehigh University. -- Presidents 1
+ ∧ less
Lehigh University 6
Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1850-1937 5
Packer, Asa, 1805-1879 3
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 2
Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 2
∨ more
Coxe, Eckley B. (Eckley Brinton), 1839-1895 2
Doolittle, C. L. (Charles Leander), 1843-1919 2
Emery, Natt M. (Natt Morrill), 1873-1935 2
Franklin, William S. (William Suddards), 1863-1930 2
Grace, Eugene G. (Eugene Gifford), 1876-1960 2
Lamberton, Robert Alexander, 1824-1893 2
Leach, Howard Seavoy, 1887-1948 2
Lehigh University. Library 2
Linderman, Garrett B. 2
Mack, James D. (James Decker), 1916- 2
Sayre, Robert H. (Robert Heysham), 1824-1907 2
Taylor, Charles L. 2
Thornburg, Charles Lewis 2
Tucker, R. H. (Richard Hawley), 1859-1952 2
Alpha Tau Omega 1
Arthur , James B. 1
Ashbaugh, F. R. 1
Ashby, James C. 1
Babasinian, Vahan S. 1
Baldwin Locomotive Works 1
Barthold, Allen J., 1900-1985 1
Bartlett, Ralph L. 1
Beaux, Cecilia 1
Beck, George C. 1
Becker, Sylvanus A. 1
Berkeley, William N. 1
Bickley, John H. 1
Birckhead, Malbone Hunter 1
Bird, Frederic Mayer 1
Blake, Robert W. 1
Blake, Robert William, 1864-1921 1
Brashear, John A. 1
Brodhead, Charles 1
Brown, S. LeRoy 1
Callen, Arthur S. 1
Carnegie, Andrew 1
Cassidy, Frank P. 1
Chandler, Steward 1
Chandler, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1906 1
Charles, Rollin L. 1
Chiles, George S. 1
Conkling, Leon D. 1
Conrad, Lowell E. 1
Coxe, Sophia G. 1
Crawford, C. M. 1
Cummings, Mary Hannah Packer, 1839-1912 1
Daniels, Joseph 1
Davis, Walter W. 1
Dawson, Joseph R. 1
Dolt, Maurice L. 1
Drown, Thomas M., (Thomas Messinger), 1842-1904 1
Drown, Thomas Messinger 1
DuBois, Augustus Jay 1
Eckfeldt, Howard 1
Eric Doolittle (1870-1920) Lehigh Class 1891 (CE) 1
Estes, William L. (William Lawrence), 1855-1940 1
Fischer, Siegfried 1
Fogg, Ralph 1
Foster, Edward S. 1
Fox, Charles Shattuck 1
Frakes, James R. 1
Frazier, Benjamin West (1841-1905) 1
Fritz, John, 1822-1913 1
Gallagher, Edward J. 1
George, Ralph E. 1
Gilbert, Chester G. 1
Gilmore, Ralph John 1
Goodwin, Homer Stanley 1
Gowdy, R. C. 1
Gruber, H. D. 1
Hale, Charles A. 1
Hall, Robert W. 1
Hammond, H. P. 1
Harding, Hugh Wilson 1
Haskell, Frank E. 1
Heck, Robert Culbertson Hays 1
Hendricks, K. E. 1
Henley, Archibald Richard 1
Herr, Hiero B. 1
Hintze, Ferdinand F. 1
Hoekstra, Peter A. 1
Honeyman, Robert B. 1
Howarth, Harry A. S 1
Hughes, Percy L. 1
Ingalsbe, Frank Richmond 1
Johnston, Archibald, 1865-1948 1
Joyce, Ezra W. 1
Kilby, C. M. 1
Kimball, James Putnam 1
Kingsbury, F. B. 1
Klein, A. W. 1
Klein, Joseph F. 1
Knebelman, M. S. 1
Kost, Kenneth Karl (Lehigh BA 1931) 1
Kroeh, Charles Frederick 1
+ ∧ less