Showing Collections: 51 - 60 of 86
Jonathan Britton Elkus: Lehigh 1957-1973
Collection contains memorabilia from Professor Jonathan Elkus during his tenure (1957-1973) at Lehigh University in the Music Department as professor and director of the University’s Marching 97 Band. The collection contains correspondence, concert programs, music scores, newspaper clippings of critical reviews and photographs.
Jonathan Elkus Opera Manuscripts, Collection II
The collection includes the creative manuscripts for musical compositions made by Jonathan Elkus during his tenure in Lehigh’s Department of Music from 1957 to 1973.
Joseph Phineas Davis Journal of Travels in Cuzco (Peru)
Informative journal of travels in the region of Puno and Cuzco containing information about the Andean culture, indigenous populations, places, topography, Andean Indian ruins and building features. During the Davis exploration of southeastern Peru he was joined by American archaeologist and U.S. Commissioner to Peru, Ephraim George Squier and together they measured and observed with great care the Inca ruins in the Cuzco region.
Kingsley M. Williams ‘42 Biography
Brief biography gives a wry account of student life at Lehigh prior to World War II, as well as growing up during the 1920s.
Laboratory Notebooks of Some Student Applicants, 1908-1915
Contains high school laboratory notebooks (7 Chemistry, 10 Physics, 1 Physical Geography and 1 Engineering) submitted by prospective students as part of the application process to be admitted to Lehigh.
Lecture Notes of Henry S. Jacoby (Class of 1877)
This manuscript describes two late nineteenth century courses of study at Lehigh University – metallurgy and international law. The breathe of the knowledge of these topics at the time presents an excellent overview of the scope of Lehigh’s range of education.
Lecture notes taken by Henry Bowman Douglas in Henry Coppee history class
These notes give an insight into Lehigh University’s history curriculum in the nineteenth century. The notes reveal the focus on separate primary and secondary sources in each lecture. The nature of the lectures demonstrates Dr. Coppee’s extensive knowledge of world history.
Lecture notes taken by John Wesley Grace in William H. Chandler chemistry class
A notebook that contains notes that were taken by John Wesley Grace (Lehigh University Class of 1899) during the Professor William Henry Chandler’s Chemistry lectures, in 1895.
Lectures by Charles Russ Richards on iron and metallurgy
This manuscript contains the notes for 20 Lectures attributed to Charles Russ Richards (1871-1941), Lehigh University President 1922-1935, possibly written during his early career as a professor at the University of Nebraska (1893-1911). The lecture notes present a fascinating insight into the intricate iron making process at the end of the Nineteenth and early Twentieth centuries providing comparisons of the various methods and countries processing iron.
Lehigh University Chemistry Notebooks, 1881-1897
Contains four notebooks by Lehigh University students George Duck '82, J.W. Richards '86, J.W. Boyd '90, and Edward S. Knisely ‘97 from chemistry classes at the University. Titles of courses and instructors' names are not indicated.