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Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 45

1896 Grand Tour Scrapbook to the Engadine (Switzerland)

Identifier: SC MS 0454

A 19th- century scrapbook/travelogue of Charles Wellington Lloyd that documents account of a Victorian Era grand tour to Switzerland mainly by railroad.

Dates: 1896

Albert Wayne Chenoweth Scrapbook, 1911-1987

Identifier: L 378 V-C518- 1913-1975

This scrapbook of Albert W. Chenoweth, Lehigh Class of 1917, contains material documenting his high school and Lehigh athletic career, and his professional career at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Anyone interested in Lehigh football history will enjoy perusing this collection which contains many interesting articles about Lehigh football greats.

Dates: 1911-1987; Majority of material found within 1911-1973

Archibald Johnston Papers

Identifier: SC MS 0281

Collection of wide ranging documents related to Archibald Johnston, a prominent graduate of Lehigh University Class of 1889, noting his careers at Bethlehem Steel Corporation and as the first mayor of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The material is complimentary to an earlier received Johnston collection of cablegrams sent while Mr. Johnston represented Bethlehem Steel Company in South America.

Dates: 1885 to 2005; Majority of material found within 1888 to 1948

Archives of Chemical Society of Lehigh University

Identifier: SC MS 0074

The Chemical Society was formed in 1871, encouraged by Prof. Chandler, and according to the notes, was still active in the 1950s. The material here includes 6 manuscript notebooks from the early days of the society.

Dates: 1871 - 1920

Bethlehem Natural Science Association Scrapbook

Identifier: SC MS0413
Scope and Contents

This scrapbook entails 62 numbered pages of assorted newspaper articles primarily from the Bethlehem Globe-Times and the Allentown Call-Chronicle, the Association’s correspondence (meeting notice postcards, By-laws), 15 original black and white/sepia photographs of various nature outings and members. The scrapbook has a title page of “Mark Twain’s Scrap Book Patent 281 657 with Directions to use a little moisture on the gummed lines… Daniel Slote & Company New York.”

Dates: 1938 - 1960

Charles Willard Marsh Collection

Identifier: SC MS 0434

Baseball and Bethlehem Steel Corporation related memorabilia of the second half of the twentieth century mostly corporate items and baseball related newspaper clippings complied by Charles Willard Marsh, Lehigh Class of 1960.

Dates: 1930 - 2022

Documents of Rollin Reuben Keim, Lehigh Class of 1919

Identifier: SC MS 0224

A collection of ephemera of a Lehigh alumnus, Rollin Reuben Keim, concerning his personal interests, his career as a City of Bethlehem businessman and contributions to his Lehigh Class as Class correspondent for Lehigh Alumni Bulletin. Major portion of the collection is data and visual material related to the Hill-to-Hill Bridge, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania.

Dates: 1792-1923, 1969; Majority of material found within 1792-1923, 1969

A.Roy Eckardt Papers

Identifier: SC MS 0149

A. Roy Eckardt Papers contain drafts of publications, published books and articles, correspondence, scrapbooks, audio recordings about Judaism, Christianity, Jewish-Christian relations, Holocaust. There are also family and personal material, Lehigh University administrative documents.

Dates: 1939 - 1998; Majority of material found within 1966 - 1994

Eckley B. Coxe Technical Library Scrapbooks on Australian Gold Discoveries

Identifier: SC MS 0214

These scrapbooks were a part of the Eckley B. Coxe Technical Library and given to Lehigh Library in 1896. The material includes Australian newspaper articles relating to the various Australian goldfields and their output beginning in 1851 as well as the amount of gold revenues generated.

Dates: 1851-1865

Edward Logan Forstall, Lehigh University, Class of 1920

Identifier: SC MS 0043

This collection contains Forstall’s Lehigh University application and report cards (1917-1920), Delta Upsilon Fraternity certificate and publications, Philadelphia Alumni Club programs and correspondence from the 1960s and 1970s, a scrapbook, personal diaries from 1917-1925, and correspondence with a woman from South Africa in the 1930s.

Dates: 1917-1989

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  • Repository: Lehigh University Special Collections X
  • Subject: Scrapbooks X

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Photographs 21
Notebooks 15
Bethlehem (Pa.) 9
Lehigh University 6
Audiotapes 5
∨ more
Civil engineers 5
Letters (correspondence) 5
Posters 4
Armed forces -- Officers 3
Clippings (information artifacts) 3
Diplomas 3
Lehigh University -- Alumni and alumnae 3
Lehigh University--Students 3
Mechanical engineers 3
Northampton County (Pa.) 3
Videotapes 3
Allegheny River 2
Allentown (Pa.) 2
Australia 2
Bethlehem (Pa.) -- History 2
Booksellers 2
Bucks County (Pa.) 2
Certificates 2
Civil engineering 2
Correspondence 2
Diaries 2
Engravings 2
Gold miners 2
Hill-to-Hill Bridge, Bethlehem, Pa. 2
Journalists 2
Newspaper clippings 2
Philadelphia (Pa.) 2
Photographic prints 2
Professors (Teachers) 2
Railroad engineering 2
Report cards 2
South Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 2
Typescripts 2
United States -- Politics and government 2
Washington (D.C.) 2
19th century 1
19th century Congregationalist Clergy 1
Accountants 1
Activists. 1
Adultery trials 1
Air pilots 1
Albums 1
American West - Nineteenth century - Wyoming 1
American abolitionists 1
Anthracite coal 1
Applewold, Pennsylvania 1
Arab-Israeli conflict 1
Armstrong County 1
Army Specialized Training Program (U.S.) 1
Art -- Collectors and collecting 1
Art, Israeli 1
Astronomy 1
Athletics 1
Australian newspapers 1
Authors 1
Authors, American 1
Bach Choir, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 1
Baltimore, Maryland 1
Baseball 1
Berks County 1
Bethlehem Pike, Northampton County, Pennsylvania 1
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 1
Bible 1
Bishopthorpe School, Bethlehem, Pennsylvania 1
Blueprints 1
Boston, Massachusetts 1
Bowie Canyon 1
Bowie Seamount 1
Bridge Construction 1
Bridge engineering 1
Bridges -- Design and construction 1
Bridges -- Pennsylvania 1
Bridges, iron highway 1
Bronx (New York, N.Y.) 1
Brooklyn Heights, New York City 1
Bucktail Trail 1
Business 1
California 1
Cambria (Calif.) 1
Camel’s Hump Farm, Bethlehem, Pa. 1
Cape Colony, South Africa 1
Carnegie Hall, New York City 1
Cartographers 1
Cartography 1
Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
Charity organization 1
Chemical Society of Lehigh University 1
Chemical engineers 1
Chemistry -- Study and teaching 1
Chemists 1
Cheyenne (Wy.) 1
Chicago (Ill.) 1
Christianity 1
Christmas Hall 1
+ ∧ less
Lehigh University 9
Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1850-1937 4
Schwab, Charles M., 1862-1939 4
Lehigh University--Alumni and alumnae. 3
Unknown 3
∨ more
Bethlehem Steel Company 2
Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 2
Delta Upsilon Fraternity 2
Fritz, John, 1822-1913 2
Hudson, Clarence Walter 2
Johnston, Archibald, 1865-1948 2
Keim, Rollin Reuben 2
McClintic-Marshall Corporation 2
New York times 2
Packer, Asa, 1805-1879 2
Trembley, Francis J., (1904-1978) 2
United States. Department of the Army 2
Wilbur, Warren A. 2
Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1
Allan, John, 1779-1834 1
American Railway Engineering Association 1
Anderson, Jack, 1922-2005 1
Ansted, David T. 1
Army Specialized Training Program (U.S.) 1
ArtsQuest 1
Avitzur, Betzalel, 1925- 1
Babcock & Wilcox 1
Bach Choir of Bethlehem (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1
Baldwin-Westinghouse 1
Barthold, William G. (William Gregory Barthold) 1
Battey, Edward 1
Beecher, Henry Ward, 1813-1887. 1
Beecher, Lyman, 1775-1863. 1
Bellis-Morcom Co. 1
Berman Family 1
Bethlehem Bridge Commission 1
Bethlehem Steel Corporation 1
Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Employees 1
Birkmyre, William 1
Blackmar, John M. 1
Bowie Family 1
Bowie, William C., 1872-1940 1
Brigham, Alexander Fay 1
Brightbill, David 1
Broun, Maurice, 1906-1979 1
Bugbee, Bertie H. 1
Bultfontein Mine 1
C. I. Hood & Co. Lowell, Mass 1
Camba, Ramon 1
Canadian Society of Chemical Industry 1
Carded Woolen Manufacturers Association 1
Carroll, Katie 1
Carroll, Minnie A. 1
Cartwright, Ellen 1
Caryle, Minnie 1
Charles Russ Richards 1
Chemical Society of Lehigh University 1
Chenoweth Family 1
Chenoweth, Albert Wayne 1
Churchill, Alfred Spenser, 1824-1893 1
Cohen, Goldman & Company, Importers 1
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Highways 1
Concrete Steel Bridge Company 1
Conradi, G.A. 1
Cornell University 1
Coxe, Eckley B. (Eckley Brinton), 1839-1895 1
Cummings, Mary Hannah Packer, 1839-1912 1
DEMAG Cranes 1
Dale, Samuel S. (b.1859 – after 1935) 1
Dale, Samuel Sherman (b. 1859 – d?) 1
Davis, H. Barrett, Director of Mustard & Cheese 1
De Beers Consolidated Mines Ltd. 1
DeSaulles, Elizabeth 1
DeSaulles, John “Jack” Gerard Longer, (1879-1817) 1
Denison, William Thomas, 1804-1871 1
Dillard, Sophia E. 1
Donovan, Mary A. 1
Doolittle, C. L. (Charles Leander), 1843-1919 1
Dromgoold, Lizzie M 1
Dromgoole, Agnes J. 1
Dromgoole, Mary E. 1
Drown, Thomas M., (Thomas Messinger), 1842-1904 1
Dutoitspan Mine 1
E. W. Hoyt & Co. Lowell, Mass 1
Eckardt, A. Roy (Arthur Roy), 1918- 1
Eckardt, Alice 1
Eckley B. Coxe Technical Library 1
Eric Doolittle (1870-1920) Lehigh Class 1891 (CE) 1
Errázuriz Vergara, Blanca 1
Flowers, R. C. 1
Fordney, Joseph Warren (1853-1932) 1
Foreman, Terry 1
Foreman, Wesley Paul, 1922-2013 1
Forstall, Edward Logan 1
Forstall, Edward Logan, -1989 1
Fox, Chris P. 1
Fox, Robert L. 1
Fuller, John Torrey 1
G. E. Marsh & Company 1
Garcelon, H. S. 1
+ ∧ less