Showing Collections: 421 - 424 of 424
Women's Club of Lehigh University
A social history of faculty wives’ activities within Lehigh University’s history as an all- male school when socialization for women outside the home was not a common event is reflected in this collection. Gender, social and economic changes occurred to break down the class system in place among the faculty and their wives. The Club changed as women’s economical and career paths took them outside the home and beyond their faculty husbands’ own career.
Wrestling Scrapbook, 1926-1936
Wrestling scrapbook compiled by Robert B. Lewis contains clippings and other ephemera (1926-1936) on Lehigh wrestling including list of wrestling team members and coaches.
YMCA at Lehigh 1894-1936
This collection of correspondence reflects the activities of Lehigh’s campus Christian group which aligned itself with the international organization of the Young Men’s Christian Association. The YMCA was encouraged by the University’s President Henry S. Drinker and several professors acting as advisors however the YMCA provided its own personnel to run the operation on campus.
Zinc Institute Archives
This collection contains minutes of meetings, budget material, membership lists, reports of annual meetings, runs of “The Journal”, the “Zinc Sheet”, many articles, reprints. Most material falls into period 1960-1988 but includes a few items as early as 1918. The collection contains no personal or business correspondence.