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Genealogical Documents Related to Lehigh University President Charles Russ Richards

Identifier: SC MS0267

Interesting display of genealogical research establishing Lehigh University President, Charles Russ Richards, related to noteworthy inventor and engineer, James Watt.

Dates: 1833 - 1941; Majority of material found within 1833 - 1941

Harvey A. Neville, President of Lehigh University, 1961-1964 Miscellaneous Material

Identifier: SC MS 0025

Material is mostly congratulatory notes and cards received on the occasion of the announcement of his selection and installation as President of Lehigh University in October 1961. Also included are some newspaper clippings, and a few of Dr. Neville's poems.

Dates: 1961-1964

Installation of Martin Dewey Whitaker as President of Lehigh University, 1946

Identifier: SC MS 0075

Martin Dewey Whitaker was inaugurated and installed as President of Lehigh University on October 20, 1946. The material here includes working papers, and correspondence of the committee, chaired by Prof. V. F. Larkin, which made the arrangements and copies of the 2 programs used that day.

Dates: 1946

Lehigh University Library Correspondence, 1924-1935

Identifier: SC MS 0009

Letters written mostly to and from the president of Lehigh University, Charles Russ Richards, and the librarian, Howard Seavoy Leach, concerning all aspects of library business.

Dates: 1924-1935

Lehigh University President Henry Coppée Manuscripts and Lecture Notes

Identifier: SC MS 0018

Manuscripts, and holograph notebooks of some lectures delivered by Henry Coppée, first president of Lehigh University, on Woman, Education, Rhetoric, English language and literature, Christian Evidences, International Law, Health, and History, as well as the manuscript of his published book "Conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors." Most interesting are his personal observations as an Army officer marching into Mexico City during the Mexican-American War.

Dates: 1846-1893

Peter W. Likins' Inauguration as Eleventh President of Lehigh University in 1983

Identifier: SC MS 0046

This collection contains flyers, memos, programs, publications, and certificates relating to the inauguration of Peter Likins in 1983, including texts of speeches by Likins and Dr. William McGill, honorary degree recipient and featured speaker.

Dates: 1983

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  • Subject: College Presidents X
  • Subject: College presidents X
  • Subject: College Presidents X
  • Subject: College Presidents X
  • Subject: College Presidents X

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College presidents 4
Lehigh University 2
Lehigh University -- Presidents 2
Photographs 2
Programs 2