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Showing Collections: 21 - 29 of 29

Morton E. Sultzer Correspondence

Identifier: SC MS 0070

Morton Ernest Sultzer, Class of 1912, was an active alumnus of Lehigh University, who befriended and helped many students to complete their college educations during the Great Depression era. The material here is compiled in a loose-leaf notebook with letters to and from Mr. Sultzer and 16 students that he helped during the 1930s, documenting the students' on-campus and off-campus lives and their personal, educational and economical struggles.

Dates: 1927-1941

Opera Manuscripts by Jonathan Elkus

Identifier: SC MS 0021

Manuscripts and related documents for three operas by Elkus: Medea (1965), Helen in Egypt (1970), and The Mandarin (1967). For Helen in Egypt, includes programs and reviews, correspondence with librettist Jere Knight, and Knight's resume. For The Mandarin, includes synopsis and programs, and librettos by Richard Franko Goldman.

Dates: 1965-1970

Richard H. Tucker Papers

Identifier: SC MS 0041

This collection includes documents from Richard H. Tucker’s days as both a student and a professor at Lehigh University, such as correspondences, newspaper clippings, scrapbook, diplomas, certificates and photographs.

Dates: 1875-1894

Speeches of Henry Sturgis Drinker President of Lehigh University

Identifier: SC MS 0020

Typescripts of speeches, many with additional penciled-in notes, given by Dr. Drinker as president of Lehigh University, as president of the American Forestry Association, and as a supporter of war preparedness and the Student Army Training Corps movement.

Dates: 1905 - 1929

Sports History at Lehigh University Collected by H.R. (Bosey) Reiter in 1941

Identifier: SC MS 0015

A collection of letters written in 1941 to Professor H.R. (Bosey) Reiter in response to his request to alumni for reminiscences of their undergraduate experiences in athletics. The material was to be used in a publication for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the University, but there is no record that this was ever done. Responses came from graduates from the 1880s through the 1930s, including a few who also sent photographs.

Dates: 1941

Treasurer Records: Incoming Correspondence, 1903-1914

Identifier: SC MS 0006

This collection is composed of materials written to the Treasurer's office between 1903 and 1914, including notes, letters, loan records, and other miscellaneous financial documents.

Dates: 1903-1914

William C. Bowie Scrapbooks

Identifier: SC MS 0364

Four scrapbooks containing miscellaneous newspaper clippings, correspondence. Each volume individually indexed. The materials in the scrapbooks are not arranged chronologically throughout: Vol. 1 1891-1937; Vol 2 1919-1937; Vol. 3 1916-1937, Vol. 4 1889-1939. William C. Bowie's career in scientific research in the theory of isostasy and its application to dynamics and structural geology is reflected in these scrapbooks.

Dates: 1889-1929

William L. Estes, Jr. Papers, 1895-1971

Identifier: SC MS 0014

Personal papers of William L. Estes, Jr., M.D. Includes diary of his experiences as Army surgeon in World War I, and papers relating to his subsequent medical career in Bethlehem, Pa., and his civic activities in that city.

Dates: 1895-1971

William Paul Starkey, Class of 1900 Correspondence, 1937-1958

Identifier: SC MS 0012

Collection of correspondence between William Paul Starkey, Lehigh Class of 1900, and various Lehigh University officials concerning the observance and teaching of religion at the University. Original letters from Starkey and copies of replies from the officials, including president Martin Dewey Whitaker, vice president E. Kenneth Smiley, board of trustees president Eugene Grace, and others. Discussion includes proposed renovations to Packer Memorial Church.

Dates: 1937-1958

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  • Subject: Correspondence X
  • Subject: Letters (correspondence) X

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Photographs 9
Diaries 6
Bethlehem (Pa.) 5
Scrapbooks 5
Lehigh University -- Alumni and alumnae 4
∨ more
Lehigh University--Students 4
Professors (Teachers) 4
Financial records 3
Lehigh University -- History 3
Manuscripts (documents) 3
Newspaper clippings 3
Clippings (information artifacts) 2
College administrators 2
College students 2
Education, Higher 2
Geologists 2
Geology 2
Geology, Economic 2
Lecture notes 2
Lehigh University 2
Lehigh University -- Students 2
Magazines (periodicals) 2
Maps (documents) 2
Mechanical engineers 2
Notebooks 2
Personal correspondence 2
Peru 2
Report cards 2
Students 2
Taylor Gymnasium. 2
Taylor Hall. 2
Taylor Stadium. 2
World War, 1939-1945 2
50 year book, Lehigh 1891 1
Address books 1
Alumni Memorial Building 1
American Conservation Congress 1
American Forestry Association 1
Argentina 1
Armed forces -- Officers 1
Army R. O. T. C. 1
Asia 1
Astronomy 1
Athletic directors 1
Atlas Cement Company 1
Audiotapes 1
Baby books 1
Bank statements 1
Bethlehem Preparatory School 1
Blueprints 1
Bolivia 1
Botany 1
Bowie Canyon 1
Bowie Seamount 1
Brazil 1
Brooklyn Lehigh Club 1
Bucknell University 1
Buffalo Lehigh University Club 1
Camp Lee (Va.) 1
Carnegie Day 1
Cartographers 1
Cartography 1
Centennial Exhibition (1876 : Philadelphia, Pa.) 1
Certificates 1
Charley Taylor Day 1
Chicago Lehigh Club 1
Chile 1
Citations 1
Civil engineering 1
Civil engineers 1
Civil engineers. 1
College Presidents 1
Composers 1
Conservation of natural resources--United States. 1
Copper mines and mining 1
Coxe Laboratory 1
Cruises 1
Curriculum planning 1
Diplomas 1
Drexel Institute 1
Drown Memorial Hall. 1
E. P. Wilbur Trust Company 1
Electrical engineers 1
Environmental Engineering 1
Essays 1
Europe 1
Extension School 1
Family genealogy 1
Family life 1
Folders 1
Football 1
Football coaches 1
Forestry 1
Fort Dix (N.J.) 1
Fritz Engineering Laboratory. 1
Gemologists 1
Geodetic surveys 1
Grace Hall 1
Haledon, N.J. 1
+ ∧ less
English 28
Spanish; Castilian 1
Lehigh University 4
Drinker, Henry S. (Henry Sturgis), 1850-1937 3
Carnegie, Andrew, 1835-1919 2
Doolittle, C. L. (Charles Leander), 1843-1919 2
Drown, Thomas M., (Thomas Messinger), 1842-1904 2
∨ more
Eric Doolittle (1870-1920) Lehigh Class 1891 (CE) 2
Grace, Eugene G. (Eugene Gifford), 1876-1960 2
Lehigh University--Alumni and alumnae. 2
Lehigh University. Library 2
Miller, Benjamin L. (Benjamin LeRoy), 1874-1944 2
Packer, Asa, 1805-1879 2
Taylor, Charles L. 2
Tucker, R. H. (Richard Hawley), 1859-1952 2
Williams, Clement C. (Clement Clarence), 1882-1947 2
Williams, Edward Higginson, 1849-1933 2
Ahier, Frank 1
American College of Surgeons 1
American Physical Society. Division of Fluid Dynamics. 1
Arthur , James B. 1
Ashbaugh, F. R. 1
Ashby, James C. 1
Babasinian, Vahan S. 1
Bach Choir of Bethlehem (Bethlehem, Pa.) 1
Bartlett, Ralph L. 1
Bassler, Harvey, 1883-1950 1
Beck, George C. 1
Becker, Sylvanus A. 1
Beech, Aileen Wallace 1
Berkeley, William N. 1
Bickley, John H. 1
Birckhead, Malbone Hunter 1
Bird, Frederic Mayer 1
Blake, Robert W. 1
Blake, Robert William, 1864-1921 1
Bowie Family 1
Bowie, William C., 1872-1940 1
Brashear, John A. 1
Brodhead Family 1
Brodhead, Charles 1
Brodhead, Daniel D. 1
Brodrick Family 1
Brodrick, Mary Ann 1
Brown, S. LeRoy 1
Callen, Arthur S. 1
Carnegie, Andrew 1
Cassidy, Frank P. 1
Chandler, Steward 1
Chandler, W. H. (William Henry), 1841-1906 1
Charles Russ Richards 1
Charles, Dye 1
Charles, Rollin L. 1
Chiles, George S. 1
Conkling, Leon D. 1
Connor, Samuel 1
Conrad, Lowell E. 1
Coppée, Henry, 1821-1895 1
Coxe, Eckley B. (Eckley Brinton), 1839-1895 1
Coxe, Sophia G. 1
Crawford, C. M. 1
Cummings, Mary Hannah Packer, 1839-1912 1
Daniels, Joseph 1
Davis, Walter W. 1
Dawson, Joseph R. 1
Debreceni, John 1
Delta Upsilon Fraternity 1
Dolt, Maurice L. 1
Drown, Thomas Messinger 1
DuBois, Augustus Jay 1
Dye, Emma 1
Eckfeldt, Howard 1
Elkus, Jonathan 1
Emery, Natt M. (Natt Morrill), 1873-1935 1
Estes, William L. (William Lawrence), 1855-1940 1
Farren, Hugh 1
Filley, H. H. (Hiel Hamilton) 1
Fischer, Siegfried 1
Fogg, Ralph 1
Forstall, Edward Logan 1
Forstall, Edward Logan, -1989 1
Foster, Edward S. 1
Fox, Charles Shattuck 1
Franklin, William S. (William Suddards), 1863-1930 1
Frazier, Benjamin West (1841-1905) 1
George, Ralph E. 1
Gherardi Family 1
Gilbert, Chester G. 1
Gilmore, Ralph John 1
Goldman, Richard Franko, 1910-1980 1
Goodley, Gladys 1
Goodwin, Homer Stanley 1
Gowdy, R. C. 1
Gruber, H. D. 1
Haines, Caspar Wistar, -1935 1
Hall, Robert W. 1
Hammond, H. P. 1
Harding, Hugh Wilson 1
Haskell, Frank E. 1
Heck, Robert Culbertson Hays 1
Hendricks, K. E. 1
Henley, Archibald Richard 1
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