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Harvey Bassler Papers, 1900-1968

Identifier: SC MS 0019
Abstract Correspondence, handwritten and also edited transcription of diaries and records of the donation of his personal library of Harvey Bassler, who was a geologist for Standard Oil Company in Peru, from 1920-1932. Included are the diaries and other notes he took on his field trips in Peru, an edited copy of the diaries and the duplicated compilation of the diaries written by Bradford Willard in 1965-1966, as well as much personal correspondence during the period. Also included is a list of the...
Dates: 1900-1968; Majority of material found within 1926-1939

Lehigh Class of 1889 50 Year Book

Identifier: SC MS 0027

Material includes correspondence between class members (and families of deceased members) with Historian John J. Lincoln (a member of the class) for material to be included in a 50 Year Book, titled, Record of the Class of 1889, Lehigh, (n.p.: published by the class, 1935). It also includes some updated material to 1945.

Dates: 1925-1945

Opera Manuscripts by Jonathan Elkus

Identifier: SC MS 0021

Manuscripts and related documents for three operas by Elkus: Medea (1965), Helen in Egypt (1970), and The Mandarin (1967). For Helen in Egypt, includes programs and reviews, correspondence with librettist Jere Knight, and Knight's resume. For The Mandarin, includes synopsis and programs, and librettos by Richard Franko Goldman.

Dates: 1965-1970

Papers of Carl F. Strauch Professor of English, Lehigh University

Identifier: SC MS 0052

This collection includes articles, manuscripts, and correspondence relating to his publications as well as syllabi, lecture notes and student papers from his teaching at Lehigh. Extensive material from his work on the following authors: Carlyle, Arnold, Hawthorne, Poe, James, Melville, Whitman, and Emerson. Material on other 19th century authors and on the Romantic period is also included.

Dates: 1930-1980