Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 11
Campus Maps, Architectural Drawings, Site Plans and Floor Plans
## Give BRIEF (1-3 sentences) description of collection
Construction of Packard Laboratory
Material includes vouchers, bank statements, a check book, and work sheets for bonds, for the building of the Packard Laboratory in 1929 1932.
Diplomas, Certificates and Other Recognition Documents
This collection contains diplomas, certificates and other authoritative recognition documents issued by Lehigh University or given to the Lehigh community and its members. The collection grows through gifts and transfers as well as documents moved from the manuscript collections with a proper cross reference
Harry J. Atticks Photographs
A collection of turn of the late 19th century photographs from Lehigh alumnus Harry J. Atticks, Class of 1893. Most of photographs are depict Lehigh University buildings and grounds.
Humanities Center (Lehigh Collection Vertical Files)
Material on this topic is contained in the Lehigh Collection Vertical File. See Special Collections for access.
Lehigh University Administrative Records - Collection 2
This collection contains financial records, statements, ledgers, checkbooks, register of students, faculty salaries, building expenses and other materials from the administrative offices and various departments of Lehigh University, from 1866 to 1935 (not complete). See also other Lehigh University archive collections for more information.
Lehigh University Presidents' Correspondence, 1866-1921
This collection includes letters written to the office of the President (some to the Secretary of the Faculty or the Registrar) between 1866 and 1921. These letters cover many aspects of "Life as President of Lehigh". Also included are sixty one "Letter Books" with the replies from the President in chronological order from 1878 to 1920.
Lehigh University Property Ownership Documents
Lehigh University Property Ownership Collection contains documents related to the University owned properties and fraternity houses around the Asa Packer Campus, South Bethlehem. Most of the properties were demolished as part of the Urban renewal program for Lehigh's expansion in the north of Packer Avenue. The individual files for each property reports created by "L.D. Sheridan, Real Estate Department, Bethlehem Steel Corporation"
Payne, Duncan MacRae (Lehigh Collection Vertical File)
Material on this topic is contained in the Lehigh Collection Vertical File. See Special Collections for access.
Pratt Lab at Lehigh University
Collection of documents, publications and photographs documenting the Pratt Lab at Lehigh University. Pratt Lab was a psychology experiment laboratory was funded by Pratt Foundation. Contains black and white photographs, 38 file folders of equipment description, manuals of apparatus, Prof. Jenkins reprints of artcles, and Munsell Book of Color.