Showing Collections: 1 - 7 of 7
Identifier: SC MS 0069
This collection contains by-laws, minutes of meetings, indexes, and reports of several local coal companies, and corporations, with the same officers serving jointly in many of them.
1888 - 1956
Identifier: SC MS 0355
Handwritten lecture notes in French which became the basis for a popular mining engineers field handbook in the late Nineteenth Century. The lectures were given by Professor Louis Edouard Rivot at Ecole Imperiale des Mines in Paris and the notes taken by his student Rothwell. The manuscripts owned by Eckley B. Coxe then donated to Lehigh in 1897.
1859 - 1861
Identifier: SC MS 0257
This nineteenth century manuscript is another
item from the Eckley B. Coxe Technical Library. The notebook is written in Old German and
deals with the topic of mathematical calculations useful for mining engineering specifically
with the use of a sextant as a mine surveying instrument. The notes are from lectures given
by a Professor Dr. A. Junge at Freiberg School of Mines in the academic year 1858/59.
Identifier: SC MS 0036
Three typescript reports of Lehigh University Mining Engineering Department’s mine inspection trips made 1922, 1924, 1926. Two of the reports are travelogue itineraries as well as noting mines and mills observed, the third is a more technical discussion of the mines visited. Reports are by Robert G. Pfahler EM‘23, George A. Howland EM’27, Robert A. Harrier EM’27, John P. Cox EM’27, and Paul W. Sinwell EM’27 all studying for the Engineer of Mining degrees. According to the notes in the...
Event: 1922 - 1926
Identifier: SC MS 0140
Documents and photographs assembled by Robert M. Wheeler primarily of the portion of his career as Mine Captain of No. 3 mine at the Cornwall Iron Mine, a subsidiary of Bethlehem Steel Corporation. His contributions to the iron ore operation in the Cornwall Iron Mine as well as other mines belonging to the Bethlehem Cornwall Corporation were valued by the Bethlehem executives based on the correspondence content. Mr. Wheeler’s material gives an insight into open pit and underground mining...
1956 - 1984
Identifier: SC MS 0020
Typescripts of speeches, many with additional penciled-in notes, given by Dr. Drinker as president of Lehigh University, as president of the American Forestry Association, and as a supporter of war preparedness and the Student Army Training Corps movement.
1905 - 1929
Identifier: SC Photo-0015
This collection depicts a pioneering field trip made in 1922 by Lehigh’s Mining Engineering department. It consists of 127 black and white photographs, one map, two letters, and three decorative album covers. Thirty of the photographs are duplicated indicating that the official photographer of the field trip made at least two sets of photographs. The acquisition of the photographs are from two separate sources; one set in 1964 and the larger set in 2011. The Mining Department field trip...
July 7, 1922 to September 1, 1964