Showing Collections: 71 - 80 of 88
[Panama Canal]: Memoria y Planos de un Anteproyecto para la Terminacion del Canal de Panama
Papers of Arthur Murray
This collection contains the papers and belongings of Arthur F. Murray, Lehigh University class of 1905. It provides information on Murray’s work on engineering rifles during World War I, as well as his professional interests and time at Lehigh. The collection is composed of 20 items including textbooks, newspaper clippings, notebooks, ledgers, periodicals, and ephemera.
Philip I. and Muriel M. Berman Papers Collection II
Philip Schopp Sketchbook
Photographs and blueprints of Washington State Highway Department: Bridges 1920 to 1931
Photographs and blueprints of highway bridges built in the 1920s as part of the State of Washington’s Public Works Department post World War I building program. Also some photographs of bridges built in California, apparently designed by Charles Andrew who was bridge engineer for California State Highway Department as well as Washington State Highway Department and Oregon.
Preston A. Lambert Papers 1884 - 1927
These papers reflect an era of formally engraved invitations, letters of appreciation among faculty, students, university presidents and alumni and general camaraderie. Interesting historical notes are stated in some of the letters in the exchange between a faculty member and three University presidents.
Professor Karl Ludwig Meissner Engineering Lectures
Professor Mansfield Merriman Lecture Notes Taken by Edgar A. Borhek, 1904
The lecture notes reflect an interesting view into the field of civil engineering at the turn of the twentieth century. The notes indicate that a student in civil engineering was expected to have a multidisciplinary diversity. Some examples given in the lectures illustrate the broad field of knowledge possessed by Professor Mansfield Merriman.