Showing Collections: 1 - 2 of 2
Varsity and Intramural Sports Files
Identifier: SC MS 0044
Includes office files, correspondence, and lists of award winners from the Sports Office of Lehigh University from 1930-1980. Sports award winners are complete from 1939-1970. Flagpole Day Ceremony awards are complete from 1958-1977. Intramural files are primarily from the 1960s and 1970s. Also included is material from Car Rallyes, Turkey Trots, Emery Relay programs, and Beta Theta Pi Fraternity (Mr. Steckbeck was faculty advisor).
1930 - 1980
Found in:
Lehigh University Special Collections
William J. Eney papers
Identifier: SC MS 0117
Documents and photographs related to Lehigh University Civil Engineering faculty William J. Eney's early teaching years (1930s) at civil engineering summer camps (Canadensis, Pa.) including his lecture documents on bridge engineering, his own invention of testing equipment, correspondence between Smithsonian Institution and Lehigh University about Eney Deformeter, photographs and documents about construction of Fritz Engineering Laboratory addition and Baldwin Universal Testing Machine...
1900 - 1982
Found in:
Lehigh University Special Collections