Showing Collections: 1 - 10 of 437
Robert Baird Shuman book manuscripts
This collection contains corrected typescript of manuscripts and a Ph.D. dissertation by Robert Baird Shuman.
1896 Grand Tour Scrapbook to the Engadine (Switzerland)
A 19th- century scrapbook/travelogue of Charles Wellington Lloyd that documents account of a Victorian Era grand tour to Switzerland mainly by railroad.
A. Bedford, L. Batchelor & Co. Inventory of Goods, Waverly, Pa. May 6, 1850
Of the 146 pages in the ledger, eleven are devoted to listing pharmaceutical products, two pages of Liabilities, one page of Assets as of May 4, 1850, 49 pages of Goods, a page of Fixtures, Groceries, ten pages of Notes, 22 pages of Accounts and a number of blank pages.
A Memoir on the Quintic Equation
One of Cayley's last papers, published in 1894, dealt with the quintic: Arthur Cayley, on the sextic resolvent equations of Jacobi and Kronecker, Journal èfèür die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik, CXIII (1894), 42-49. Moreover, he was preparing a paper, entitled A Report on the Quintic, which was incomplete at the time of his death. This manuscript consists of several drafts of this paper. In one of these drafts, he refers to the paper: On the Sextic Resolvent Equations.
Albany Water Works, 1835-1851
This is a ten document collection comprised of eight pamphlets, a manuscript, and a detailed map regarding 19th century Albany, New York’s municipal water supply. The documents are dated from 1842 to 1850 but an earlier history of water supply for Albany is reflected within the documents.
Albert Hartung Papers
Albert Ladd Colby Report on the Boston Molasses Tank
Albert Wayne Chenoweth Scrapbook, 1911-1987
This scrapbook of Albert W. Chenoweth, Lehigh Class of 1917, contains material documenting his high school and Lehigh athletic career, and his professional career at the Bethlehem Steel Corporation. Anyone interested in Lehigh football history will enjoy perusing this collection which contains many interesting articles about Lehigh football greats.
Albert Wilansky Book Manuscripts
Manuscript and typescript of two mathematical texts on topology, including problems. Includes manuscript entitled Topological vector spaces, published as Modern methods in topological vector spaces (McGraw Hill, 1978); and manuscript and corrected typescript of Topology for analysis (Ginn, 1970).
Alexander Clark Taylor Journal and Extracts
A journal kept by Alexander Clark Taylor, a primary school teacher from Vineland, New Jersey, contains his recollections of antebellum life on a Virginia plantation.