Manuscripts (documents)
Found in 12 Collections and/or Records:
Albany Water Works, 1835-1851
This is a ten document collection comprised of eight pamphlets, a manuscript, and a detailed map regarding 19th century Albany, New York’s municipal water supply. The documents are dated from 1842 to 1850 but an earlier history of water supply for Albany is reflected within the documents.
Caspar Wistar Haines, Lehigh 1874 Manuscript of “Curvas de Ferro Carril”
The manuscript, in Spanish, of a small book entitled “Curvas de Ferro Carril” (“Railroad Curves”) written by Mr. Haines between 1883 and 1899 while he was working in Mexico. The book was never published. Included is some correspondence from Mr. H. H. Filley about the tables to be used in the book.
Ernest Nevin Dilworth papers
Ernest Nevin Dilworth was a professor of English at Lehigh from 1949 to 1977. Collection contains manuscript drafts of his published work and reference/citation cards, notes, and correspondence with publishers and colleagues.
Harvey Bassler Papers, 1900-1968
Lecture notes taken by John Wesley Grace in William H. Chandler chemistry class
A notebook that contains notes that were taken by John Wesley Grace (Lehigh University Class of 1899) during the Professor William Henry Chandler’s Chemistry lectures, in 1895.
Lehigh Class of 1889 50 Year Book
Material includes correspondence between class members (and families of deceased members) with Historian John J. Lincoln (a member of the class) for material to be included in a 50 Year Book, titled, Record of the Class of 1889, Lehigh, (n.p.: published by the class, 1935). It also includes some updated material to 1945.
Lehigh University President Henry Coppée Manuscripts and Lecture Notes
Manuscripts, and holograph notebooks of some lectures delivered by Henry Coppée, first president of Lehigh University, on Woman, Education, Rhetoric, English language and literature, Christian Evidences, International Law, Health, and History, as well as the manuscript of his published book "Conquest of Spain by the Arab Moors." Most interesting are his personal observations as an Army officer marching into Mexico City during the Mexican-American War.
Opera Manuscripts by Jonathan Elkus
Manuscripts and related documents for three operas by Elkus: Medea (1965), Helen in Egypt (1970), and The Mandarin (1967). For Helen in Egypt, includes programs and reviews, correspondence with librettist Jere Knight, and Knight's resume. For The Mandarin, includes synopsis and programs, and librettos by Richard Franko Goldman.
Papers of Carl F. Strauch Professor of English, Lehigh University
This collection includes articles, manuscripts, and correspondence relating to his publications as well as syllabi, lecture notes and student papers from his teaching at Lehigh. Extensive material from his work on the following authors: Carlyle, Arnold, Hawthorne, Poe, James, Melville, Whitman, and Emerson. Material on other 19th century authors and on the Romantic period is also included.