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Steven Sametz Collection [In progress]

Identifier: SC MS 0463

Scope and Contents

## Give a description of the collection material, series by series. You do not need to list each item individually (that will be done in the inventory) but you should describe the main divisions and perhaps highlight items of particular interest.


  • Creation: 1980 - 2024

Access Restrictions

Access Restrictions: Collection housed remotely. Users need to contact 24 hours in advance.

Use Restrictions

Collection is open for research.

Copyright Notice

Please inquire about copyright information.

Biographical / Historical

## Give a brief biographical account of the person or organization who created the material (the one listed in "Creator" above)


40 Linear Feet (x Boxes ; x Linear Feet)

Language of Materials



## Give BRIEF (1-3 sentences) description of collection


## State briefly how the materials are arranged (alphabetically, chronologically, by format, etc.) Series statement list goes here too.

Acquisition Information

## State how and when the material was acquired - purchase, donation, etc., and date information if known. (example, Purchase, March 1, 2011 – Donated by Prof. John Smith, May 23, 2011 -- Unknown)

Related Materials

## OPTIONAL If your institution has related material in other collections, or if you are aware of related materials in other repositories, mention them here.

Separated Materials

## OPTIONAL If any material has been removed from the collection, for cataloging, or for other reason, mention it here, such as books, maps, photographs, posters, etc.

Steven Sametz Collection
In Progress
Gabriella Pontoriero
Description rules
Language of description
Script of description
Lehigh University Library and Technology Services.

Repository Details

Part of the Lehigh University Special Collections Repository

Lehigh University
Linderman Library
30 Library Drive
Bethlehem PA 18045 USA
610-758-6091 (Fax)