Box 0358.01
Contains 15 Results:
Publishing Correspondence of John B. Gatewood, 1979 - 1989
The collection is divided by chronological order. It is broken down more specifically by three boxes and each item in the box follows chronological order from the oldest publication to the more recent publication. The boxes also follow chronological order from older publications to more recent ones. An interesting aspect of this collection is the insight it provides into the publishing process for academic publications.
The Other Side of the Salmon Coin: Fisherman's Perspective, 1979
In Brenda R. Melteff, ed., Alaska Fisheries: 200 Years and 200 Miles of Change, pp. 449-453. Sea Grant Report 79-6. Fairbanks: University of Alaska.
(John B. Gatewood & Robert Rosenwein) Interactional Synchrony, 1981
1981 (John B. Gatewood & Robert Rosenwein) Interactional Synchrony: Genuine or Spurious? A Critique of Recent Research. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior 6(1): 12-29.
Deciding Where to Fish: The Skipper's Dilemma in Southeast Alaskan Salmon Seining, 1983
Deciding Where to Fish: The Skipper's Dilemma in Southeast Alaskan Salmon Seining. Coastal Zone Management Journal 10(4): 347-367.
Loose Talk: Linguistic Competence and Recognition Ability., 1983
1983 Loose Talk: Linguistic Competence and Recognition Ability. American Anthropologist 85(2):378-387.
Cooperation, Competition, and Synergy: Information-Sharing Groups among Southeast Alaskan Salmon Seiners., 1984
1984 Cooperation, Competition, and Synergy: Information-Sharing Groups among Southeast Alaskan Salmon Seiners. American Ethnologist 11(2): 350-370.
Familiarity, Vocabulary Size, and Recognition Ability in Four Semantic Domains., 1984
1984 Familiarity, Vocabulary Size, and Recognition Ability in Four Semantic Domains. American Ethnologist 11(3): 507-527.
Is the “Skipper Effect” Really a False Ideology? American Ethnologist, 1984
1984 Is the “Skipper Effect” Really a False Ideology? American Ethnologist 11(2): 378-379.
Book Review. “Wine and Conversation” by Adrienne Lehrer, 1985
A Short Typology of Ethnographic Genres, or Ways to Write about Other Peoples, 1984
1984 A Short Typology of Ethnographic Genres, or Ways to Write about Other Peoples. Anthropology and Humanism Quarterly 9(4): 5-10.